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Mutasim P.O.V

I let out a low groan as I forcefully opened my eyes. As much as I wanted to sleep, I didn't want to give off a bad impression before leaving. Upon waking up, I looked out the window and saw that the sky was beginning to light up and the sun had started to rise. The captain did say we'd leave at first light. 

Pushing myself off the bed, I quickly got dressed into my cadet uniform, picked up my belongings which also included my detached wing in my bag. All these years and I still couldn't let go of it. Sure, it may have seemed pathetic and useless at this point... But I had to remember what I lost and it acts as a reminder that there's still more I can lose. 

With my belongings in hand, I left my dorm and cabin. Upon leaving, I saw Levi and his squad waiting right outside. 

Levi: Good. For a second, I thought we'd have to wake you. 

Mutasim: Sorry if I kept you waiting Captain.

Levi: If you have any business leftover, deal with it now. Chances are this is the last time you'll see this camp. 

Mutasim: I've got nothing to do here. Let's go. 

Levi: Alright. 

Him and his team turned away, beginning to walk to the exit of the camp. I took a deep breath and followed after them. I had no doubts Eren was furious that he didn't get to join the Scouts early and he was prone to throw a tantrum any day now. I'm just glad I wouldn't have to bear witness to it. After all, he's just a brat that doesn't know how to cope with even the slightest thing that goes wrong. He just barks like a wild dog. 

Leaving the camp, we entered a wagon. Immediately, we began to move, leaving behind the military camp in the process. A low sigh left my lips as I watched us go further and further away from the place. Despite the rough training, I had to admit I was going to miss it. Though I reckon it was more because I enjoyed the time I spent with Annie and the other few friends I had made. It felt nice to not be ostracised for once. 

Brown hair Girl: We should probably introduce ourselves. Especially if we're going to be fighting alongside each other. My name's Petra Ral. Its nice to meet you Mutasim. 

White hair man: I'm Oruo Bozado. 

Stern man: Gunther Schultz. Your Commandant said that you might be one of the best cadets in the 104th Cadet Corps. 

Blonde man: And I'm Eld Jinn. You already know Captain Levi, everyone does. 

I nodded. 

Mutasim: Its a pleasure to meet all of you too. 

Oruo: Say... That hair of yours. I've never seen a kid have white hair before. Unless you're secretly an old man. 

Petra: Oruo...! 

Mutasim: Its fine. I'm used to it. 

Gunther: I remember hearing that some people grow white hairs younger than others due to stress or lack of sunlight. Maybe that's the case? 

Mutasim: Something like that. I... Wasn't much of an outdoors kid. I spent most of my time reading books on Titans, learning all I could on how to kill them. 

Eld: So this is something you've wanted to do your whole life, is that right? 

Mutasim: Yeah. 

Eld: Hm... So what do you hope to accomplish by joining the Scouts? We all have our own reasons for doing this job. What's yours? 

Mutasim: Well... At first, it was just about seeing the outside world. But now... After forming some friendships, I just want to protect them. And the only way to do that is by annihilating all the Titans beyond the Walls. 

I lied and at the same time, didn't. While I did want to protect Annie, I was almost certain I couldn't do much of anything about it. 

Petra: But won't your friends be even more worried by you joining the Scouts? 

Mutasim: Maybe. But they know I can handle myself just fine. 

Oruo: Just don't get yourself killed. First mission we go on, we'll be fighting Titans. 

Levi: So don't try to be a hero. In war, there's no room for stupid acts like that, understood? 

Mutasim: Yes sir. 

The captain nodded. 

Levi: Good. 

Eld: Hey Mutasim, one more question. What's the point in you covering your right arm? 

Mutasim: I was in Shinganshina when the Titans breached. 

Petra: H-Huh? You mean... You were there when it went down?! 

Mutasim: Yeah. 

Gunther: What... Um... What was it like? 

Petra: Gunther! 

Gunther: What? Its just a question. Besides we've only heard stories about the Colossal Titan, we didn't see it. 

Mutasim: I didn't see it either. I was inside my home when it happened. Before I knew it, the entire house was destroyed and my arm was stuck under the rubble. I had to tear myself out of it to escape. 

Eld: And you're still able to use it? 

Mutasim: It hurts less than before, but yeah. I can still use it. 

Oruo: Hmm... Well, you've certainly got strength and determination. Now we just need to see if you have the ski-

He ended up biting his tongue, making me wince slightly. Ouch... 

Petra: Don't mind him. He does it a lot. 

I nodded slowly. From the looks of things, this would be the team I'd be working with for some time now...

This was going to be interesting.  

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