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Mutasim P.O.V

Some time has passed since Annie crystalised herself. Since we had no means of interrogating her, we kept her contained in a basement in the interior. That way if she did free herself from her crystal prison, she couldn't transform into a Titan. The secrets about me were out now. About my wing, my arm and my Titan form. In a way, I felt relieved that I no longer had to hide. But at the same time... 

I'm roaming down a dark stone cold hallway. Military Police are standing guard on the sides of the hall, watching me as I wander down to the end of the hallway. Two soldiers look at me, skeptical of my presence. 

Mutasim: I'm just here to check on the prisoner and the state of her crystal. 

They move aside and I enter the room. Right in the centre was Annie herself, still in her crystal. The room she was kept in was small and tight and only had the one exit. I approach the crystal and lay my left hand on it, sighing. 

Mutasim: Annie... I just wish you could have told me why. Why you did all of this? Whether someone was making you do this or... Or if this was really what you wanted. At the same time, I... I'm scared to know the answer. I know you can hear me in there. I just... Wanted to say thank you for saving me, back in the forest. And that I miss you. Despite all you've done... I want to forgive you, or at least make the effort to. 

I pat the crystal with a low nod. 

Mutasim: I'll... I'll visit when I can. To make up for lost time. Goodbye Annie. I... I love you. 

I turn away from her and walk out of the room, keeping my head low as I return topside. After leaving the basement, I make my way to my new temporary dorm. Upon entering, I find Commander Erwin and Captain Levi waiting for me inside. 

Mutasim: Commander? Captain? What's going on? 

Levi: How are you feeling? 

Mutasim: I won't lie... I'm not feeling great. 

Erwin: That's understandable. But I'm afraid we have some more pressing matters. Your transformation changed the weather and lighting randomly struck the land, including a section of the Walls, which has yielded a most interesting discovery. The Walls are made of Titans. 

I raise my head upon hearing that, my eyes widening in shock. 

Mutasim: What? 

Levi: Random lightning struck one of the Walls and it revealed a Titan's face, judging from the lack of skin and how tall it was, I'd say it was almost like another Colossal Titan. If the Walls really are made up of a row of Colossal Titans, we might have more problems than we originally thought. 

Mutasim: Hang on a second. All this time, the Walls were Titans? But why haven't they attacked? 

Erwin: That is something we don't know and can't know for certain. But I have some other news for you. Throughout your time fighting for the Scouts, you have shown many remarkable feats. Not only have you faced overwhelming odds and survived, but your devotion has also rallied many soldiers. And so, I wish to pull you out of the Levi Squad and make you a Captain to your own team. One that you will personally pick out. 

So this was... what? A promotion? Under normal circumstances I'd feel happy, but... 

Mutasim: I thought I'd be happier... 

Erwin: That's not your fault. Too much has happened too fast. To our next discussion, we have a new mission. We've recently received word that Wall Rose has been breached. 

Mutasim: What...?! 

Levi: Which means we can't rest just yet. Sorry. 

Erwin: You're grieving, yes. But use that sorrow and rage to dedicate your heart into battle. 

I nod. 

Mutasim: I'll gather my gear right away. 

I leave my room and head down to the armory, grabbing my gear and setting it up. Once it's all ready, I leave the building and head straight for the stables, mounting a horse. Hordes of Scouts gather around the gate, myself included. Erwin stands at the front, relaying the situation to us. 

Erwin: The status of Wall Rose is unclear, but everything up to Ehrmich is safe. That's the route we'll be taking. Let's move out! 

With high hopes, we depart... 

Before we had even seen the Titans, we arrived at a checkpoint and found a great deal of survivors. For some reason, Hange brought a man called Pastor Nick with us, no doubt due to his knowledge of the Walls being made up of Titans. I had no idea how he knew before the reveal, but it made the Order of the Wall more serious and terrifying than I originally thought. To make things even stranger, he mentioned that Christa Lenz, another 104th Cadet had some sort of knowledge about the Walls and the Titans residing within them. I didn't know what to think, but I knew that any chance of learning more meant a better chance of survival for us. 

Our next move was to progress towards Utgard Castle, where the other Cadets should have retreated to...

3rd P.O.V

Deep in the interior's basement, Annie is still held in her crystal, except her expression seems more troubled as opposed to sleeping peacefully. A tear runs down her face once again and her fist clenches as her eyes open up. 


Angel in Hell (Abused Male OC x Annie Leonhardt)Where stories live. Discover now