Unrequited Reunion

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Mutasim P.O.V

A couple months have passed since I received those gifts from the Levi Squad. Morale was high amongst the Scouts and people praised us more and more now. It felt good to be appreciated. Especially since our lives were on the line. Less so, considering how successful the Scouts are in their missions thanks to my power. 

Currently, the Levi Squad and I were making our way out of the Walls on horseback, walking down the streets. Even as we left, crowds of people cheered for us. Or rather for Captain Levi and Commander Erwin. A low chuckle left my lips as I watched all his fans admire them. Petra came up beside me, smiling. 

Petra: Quite the crowd, isn't it? 

Mutasim: Yeah. But we're not the main attraction.

Petra: Yeah. The Commander and Captain have a strong reputation for being some of the toughest soldiers. I'm sure if everyone knew just how big of a contribution you were making, you'd also be celebrated. 

Mutasim: Heh. Yeah, but I think I'll pass on that. I'm not the kind of guy to be praised by swarms of people. Makes me feel self-conscious and anxious. 

Petra: Really? You kill Titans and you're worried about being self-conscious? 

Mutasim: Hey, don't judge. I might be a Titan killing machine, but I'm still human like you said. 

Petra: True. I can't deny that. So how are you liking the scarf? 

I raised a hand to the black scarf wrapped around my neck. It was soft, warm and relaxing. Sometimes, I use it as a pillow. It's just that soft. 

Mutasim: It's great. Like I said, I appreciate all the gifts you guys got for me. 

Petra: I know. We just don't want you getting sick or anything. 

Mutasim: You really are the older sister, aren't you? 

Petra: Just looking out for the youngest in the group. 

She smiled brightly, making me smile too. 

Citizen: Look! It's Captain Levi! They say he's as mighty as an entire brigade! 

Levi: Tch. Talk about annoying... 

Petra and I shared a small laugh from Levi's disinterest in his fans. It was funny how serious Levi was sometimes. Sure, he was a scary guy, but he had his moments. We all do. 

???: Mutasim! 

I let out a low groan as I looked at where the voice came from. And just like that, my mood was ruined. It was Mikasa standing next to Eren and Armin. Her eyes were wide and almost tearing. 

Petra: Hm? Someone you know? 

Mutasim: Unfortunately. I'd rather not engage with her. 

Petra: I know you wouldn't say that unless you had a good reason, so I've got your back. 

Mutasim: Thanks. 

Petra simply nodded with a determined smile on her face. Mikasa pushed her way through the crowd, trying to get to me. I let out a sigh and realised just how big of a scene this bitch would cause. 

Mutasim: Captain? I'm gonna need to be excused for a minute. Old colleague wants to talk. 

Levi: You don't sound happy. 

Mutasim: Believe me, far from it. 

Levi: Alright. Petra, stay with him and make sure it doesn't last too long. We won't wait so long for you. 

Angel in Hell (Abused Male OC x Annie Leonhardt)Where stories live. Discover now