Chapter 20: A Scream in The Distance

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Peeta's prov

A few months have past.
And I haven't gotten anymore letters or a word from Katniss. It seems she's completely disappear from the world.

I finally got a visit from Haymitch a few days ago. It turns out he had to go somewhere by the Capitol, to help someone. But who? A relative? A friend? All I know is that next time I see him I have a ton of questions.


Katniss Prov:

Today is the day. The day that I get to return home. The day I get to see Prim and my mother.

What would they say about me? Have the miss me? There are too many questions I'll need to ask them.

Dr Aurlieses says I'm getting better. But I still have a medium sized amount of tracker jacker venom inside me. He says the possibility of having a flash back, or an attack isn't very common.

Haymitch has came to the capitol numerous times, he's told me about district 12 and all of the damage.
But I don't believe half the stuff he's says because out of all the times he came he was sober 95% of the time.


I get out of the train, I take a look around.

I start to tear up. Haymicth was right when he said District 12 was destroyed.

As I walk towards the meadow, I step over skulls and corps of the people who were trying to escape the bombs ,but failed . Only to that I killed all of them. This is all my fault. If I didn't pull out those berries in the first place, none of this would have happened.

I finally arrive at the meadow. Make- shift graves are scattered everywhere, flowers bloom around them.

I decided to walk past some, to see if I know anybody that suffered from all of the damage I caused.

I sutter pass one that says Samantha Flouris. I wonder if she had any family that survived the war. If so do they know she died?

I walk past another that says Patrick Ralic. Then I pass one that says Robin Hallow.

After walking past dozens of graves. I noticed a patch of primroses. I walked closer and closer to the patch of flowers and my simile turned into tears.

The name on the stone read in Loving Memory of Primrose Everdeen.

My eyes start to water , and I dropped to the ground. I begin to, scream my lungs out. I start to hyperventilate. How did this happen? When? How long ago?

Memories began to flash through my mind. Did that mutt do this? If so he needs to pay for it.


Peetas Prov:

I'm awoken by a scream. A very familiar scream.

The last thought I have is she's back? And then I take off running in the direction of the scream , not caring about my appearance. I just need to know if shes okay.

Hey guys!! I'm backkk!!! Its summer time! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and expect more updates soon!


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