Chapter 21: Run to Help

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Peeta's Prov:

As I run towards the scream, I don't even care about the looks people give me all I need is Katniss.

As I'm running I suddenly collapse.
Pain shoots from my ankle. I scream in agony. It seems I've tripped over a cement block, that had fallen off a building during the bombs and that no one bothered to pick up.

I struggle to bring myself to my feet. This injury won't slow me down. I need to reunited Katniss. I need to see my missing half.

Haymitch's Prov:

I knew this would happen. Katniss coming back was a terrible idea. But the boy needed her.

I run towards Katniss and craddle her. Saying:

"It's not real. Peeta didn't kill her. It was a bomb from 13, that was activated at the Capitol. I'm sorry"

Normally I don't get emotional, but Snow did his job he broke her.

I pick Katniss up and begin to walk her back to her house and that's when I see Peeta run towards me...

Peeta's Prov:

It's been a day since Haymitch yelled at me for trying to help Katniss. I still remember the exact words he told me.

I see Haymitch in the distance, running towards Katniss's house in the Victors Village.

I run towards him. And I see her, in his arms.

"Boy, why are you here? You could've gotten yourself killed. She's still out of it. She's still messed up. You weren't even suppose to know she's here."

Then he stormed off, cradling Katniss in his arms.

End of flash back-

Hey guys! Here's another chapter. Sorry its so short. I'll try to write longer ones. Any ways....
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