Chapter 12: A vist.

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Peetas Prov:

It feels like I screamed for hours on end.

As much as I want to go back to my compartment. I can't. I have to go back to command. I need to show them I may be wekain ways but I can fight.

I walk my way my through hundreds of hallways. I walk pass dozens of doors and windows. In till I hault in front of a door, labeled Command. I take a deep breathe, then open the door and walk in.

Ceaser's face isn't on the screen anymore. Neither is the Capitol symbol in the corner of the screen. I'm face to face with the monster. His eyes plead power and strength.

Its Snow. The one who took her away from me. The enemy.

It appears he is looking directly at me. He begins to speak. "Well hello there, Mr. Mellark. Its been a long time. Hasn't it."

He's talking to me. Me.

I respond

"What are you doing to her?" I begin to yell. "Why are you doing this to her? Stop hurting her. She doesn't need this. You've broken her enough."

Snow chuckles, "Well she deserves it lover boy. She left a spark un contained Which caused an inferno."

I scream " Stop hurting her!!!!"

" Oh, Lover boy don't you see, she only has a few days left. Better day goodbye when you can." Snow says.

Then a picture of Katniss pops up on screen. She pale as a ghost. She wears a coat of blood and scars dance around her face. What have they done to her now?

The image disappears.

Then I feel a pain in my back and blackness takes over my sight.

Hey guys. Sorry its short. I have no school tommorow! But I'll try to update again and work on more chapters.


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