Ending idea!!!

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- Peeta and Katniss are getting married.

Katniss prov,↓

- before the wedding katniss finds herself having a flash back. She crys and starts to write peeta a letter.
- saying she can't go on line this. Shell hurt peeta

- blood is on the letter.
-Katniss leaves the ring on the note in her room.
(Still having a flash back. Pictures run through her mind of her love ones during BC of peeta killing them)

- she runs towards the woods. Voice of all the people who died for her fill her head. Saying peetas a. Mutt you can't marry him

- she runs past the lake her dad showed her.

- deep in the woods. She starts ripping her dress. Saying how peetas a muut and she can't marry him
- as soon as she's deep enough in the woods( flash back overshe slides down a tree and reflects everything she has done. And how she hurt peeta (she's crying)

Last pharse: I think to myself. Aren't we all broken inside?
Peetas prov:

-waiting for katniss at the alter.

-time pasts.

-haymitch walks up to peers and whispers " we can't find her. "  peeta tells haymitch she's having an episode and she knows where she is.

- peeta runs to katniss house and goes straight to her bedroom. He finds everything scattered around the room. Things broken. Things ripps. Finds all the lwt

- finds a note on her bed.

- reads the note. Well crying Shocked to see blood on the note.

-runs to haymitch to show him the note

- haymith is shockedHe yells the wedding is off.

Note idea

Dear Peeta,

I'm so sorry. I've caused you too much pain. I've killed so many people. You are mutt. You've caused me all of this pain.

I'm going to hurt you. Can't you see.

I want you to find another who won't hurt you. Give her this ring and live a happy life.
Let me go. I would always love you.

- Katniss

Authors Note:

It's been years since I opened Wattpad. As the hunger games has become popular on TikTok, I remember this little story I started years ago.

This is how my middle school self wanted to end this story. Ironically everything on this addition is written by my 11 year old self. (Expect this note lol) Unfortunately, I'll be graduating from college soon and don't have the time to finish my younger self's dream of becoming a full time author.

I hope this mends your young hearts and closes this project out tightly.

Thanks again.

-Amber 3/15/23

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