.Chapter 13: Here?

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My vision is blurry for a moment, then things focus and everything is seen clearly.Once again I'm in the hospital. In my mind I question why I always end up here when something tragic or frightening happens.

Its like they don't trust me.

Prim enters my room and smiles nervously. It looks like she's hiding something. She's keeping something from me. But what is it?

I know shes probably scared to tell me because she quietly leaves the room in tears. All I know what she wanted to tell me was bad.

I close my eyes and try to sleep.

Suddenly I hear the door to my room squeak open. Footsteps approach my bed.

I hear mumbling.

"He's not awake" says a deep voice. Haymitch. That's the first voice. "Should he be the first to see her?" Another voice says.

Haymitch speaks again. " I think we should start will her family first and see how she acts."

Haymitch and the other man leave the room.

I start to hyperventilate. She's here. She back. What am I going to say to her? When I can I vist her?


An hour or two past. They let me leave the hospital when I "woke" up.

Now I'm sitting in the café, I don't bother to eat. I twril my food on my plate with my fork.

I expect Haymicht to come soon and led me to Katniss. But I thought wrong. Prim is going to.

She holds my hand. We walk down a hallway. Prim speaks up.

"Peeta, she's different. She not herself anymore." I respond. "Well Prim its the Capitols fault. They have enough to break,someone." " I'm not talking about that way Peeta. I mean she's gone, she hates me. She screamed at me.

I kinda don't and do believe Prim right now. All I know she could be lieing to me.

We reach a door. Prim asks if I'm ready. I nod.

I walk and and see her back to me. Doctors surround her.

I nervously whisper, Katniss.

She turns around......................

Hey guys! Here another chapter. Its kinda a cliffhanger.Also I was going to say  I have an amazing ending for this story and I can't wait to share it with you. The song that inspired me most for the end of this chapter and part if the next is

(how to save a life - by the fray).


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