Cheating cheater (futa!)

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Tzuyu didn't know how to react, really.

When it came to loving and being loved she didn't know how to deal with it.

It was all a rush of emotions

That's how she felt about loving Sana.

Sana whom she was very close to.

She didn't know how to act around her, should she get closer? Maybe keep her distance? She didn't know if she wanted to be with Sana or not even tho she pretty much loved her.
What would she even do if they got togheter? They worked amazing as just friends, would that have to change if Tzuyu was to try and get with her?

Finding answers to these questions was keeping her mind occupied so much that she didn't even realise Sana was now in a relationship.

And again Tzuyu didn't know how to deal with it, the situation even more complicated since the one Sana was with was Dahyun.

Dahyun was a friend.

Yet Tzuyu couldn't stop the thoughts, her feelings ,the want.

She cared about Dahyun, but she wanted Sana even more now that she was out of reach.

"Sana and Dahyun are so cute together!" Nayeon squealed as Tzuyu just focused on finishing her cigarette before the topic went further.

"I know right! I didn't expect them to get togheter tho , Sana always said she prefers taller girls." Momo said and Tzuyu's ears perked up.

"Hmm, I guess she changed her mind." Mina said and Tzuyu just observed them as they talked.
She didn't like the topic of Sana and Dahyun togheter at all, but couldn't really show that so she decided to become more quiet that she usually was.

As time passed by she started hating seeing Dahyun and Sana together more and more, but at the same time she hated herself for feeling that way too.
Dahyun was her friend.
She couldn't be in love with her friend's girlfriend, that's why Tzuyu tried her best to distance herself from Sana, it was for the best cuz she knew if her and Sana were to be alone for at least 10 minutes she will do something very stupid and possibly ruin her friendship with Dahyun forever.

"She's very nice to me, she's patient and sweet.."Dahyun would say as she smiled dreamily while Tzuyu was fuming in her seat right next to the girl.
The situation was rubbing Tzuyu's shameful attraction and failure to come clean about everything in her face with every occasion and she was getting sick of it.
She needed to do something about it quick.

But perhaps her timing wasn't that great.

"Happy birthday hyunnie!" Everyone would say as they walked inside the club.
Dahyun was known for always being extra on her birthday but she really outdid herself this time.

Renting a whole club and the staff for her birthday night? That was very extra even for Dahyun,Tzuyu thought as she sipped from her whiskey, watching more and more people come inside the club.
Some of them were friends of hers too, others were people she saw around the campus , some were total strangers, but it seemed like Dahyun knew them all by the way she was greeting and hugging them with that annoyingly bright smile on her face..

Tzuyu could no longer stand her. Dahyun was kind, pretty, smart, talented. She was just an amazing person it was so hard not to like her , it's like she didn't have any flaws so Tzuyu felt frustrated.
She wasn't necessarily insecure abt herself, she knew how beautiful she was, it has always been her greatest strength even tho she had many others.
But It would have been easier for her if Dahyun was unlikeable , but she wasn't. She was so likeable that Tzuyu started hating her and herself mostly.
She took another sip and sighed before she spotted bright pink hair from afar.

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