Yakuza's weakness(futa!)

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Tzuyu knew from the very beginning about the risks of getting involved with someone like her, not that she had a chance to say no since Sana literally moved her into her mansion after she found out that Tzuyu was a runaway from home.
She wasn't just anyone,she was head of the Yakuza clan,But Sana had so many amazing qualities that Tzuyu didn't care about anything but being with her.

Of course ,it took her awhile to get used to Sana's.. schedule and the "hey sweetheart I'm sorry I won't be able to make it home tonight I got arrested, see you in the morning tho, I'll take you out for shopping to make up for it <3" texts which were both making her heart drop full of worry then beat faster and feel giddy.

Even now after 2 years of being into Sana's care she can't quite get used to her woman's life style, ESPECIALLY when she wouldn't pick up the phone or respond to any messages.
Tzuyu was pacing around the ridiculously spacious living room holding her phone, waiting for Sana to at least see one of the 914 missed calls and 1056 texts Tzuyu has left, but to no avail.

It was already 3 am and it was very unusual for Sana to be gone for such a long time without letting Tzuyu know one way or another.
Now all kinds of bad things were going through Tzuyu's mind, but that came to an end when a soft knock against the door could be heard and She knew instantly who it was and rushed to open.
Sana was leaning against the door, blazer resting over one shoulder, her blonde hair messy as the front of her white button up was soaked in blood.
However Sana greeted Tzuyu with a soft smile as she walked inside slowly,
"Why didn't you reply??? I thought- ...never mind." Tzuyu said, so many emotions swirling up in her dark beautiful eyes as they looked into Sana's before she sighed and started unbuttoning the woman's shirt just to be sure the blood wasn't Sana's, and thankfully it wasn't.
"I'm sorry you gotta see that.." Sana whispered softly, making the brunette sigh before she got rid of the blood soaked shirt as Sana observed her every move with a soft smile on her face.
"It's fine, I'm glad you are okay."
Tzuyu was her world, she was indubitably in love with the girl since the very first day.
Sana remembers that moment vividly.

It was a cold night of December, right before Christmas and Sana was once again hurt, hiding into a dark alley while waiting for her subordinates to get her, lucky for Sana she wasn't injured badly, just a little beat up and cold.
"Um...miss? I'm sorry if I'm bothering but , are you alright?" A soft voice called out from above making Sana look up and for a moment she was genuinely thinking she might have died and she's now seeing an angel or some kind of saint.
Dark brown eyes adorned with such long lashes were looking worriedly at her and Sana couldn't speak for a moment as she took in the angelic beauty of this being in front of her.
Small face,framed by jet black locks of long silky hair, full pink lips and cheeks flushed from the cold, same as the tip of her nose.
Sana really had to process everything.
"Aren't you...scared..?" Was the first thing that Sana managed to say, her eyes unable to pull away from this girl's face.
But it was a good question.
Sana had a busted lip and her nose was bleeding and she was very sure this girl could see the gun in her hand. It was obvious that Sana wasn't just some beat up woman dumped in a dark alley, yet this girl came to check on her?
"I'm sorry But I saw you clearly injured when I walked by and I heard panting so I couldn't walk away.." the girl said, voice soft and melodious, from her accent Sana figured she must be foreigner.
"That's not very wise of you sweetheart, what if I shoot your right now?" Sana asked as she pointed the gun at her, just to scare her so next time she won't be so naive.
But the girl didn't flinch or show any signs of being scared, to Sana's surprise, she seemed more embarrassed by her reckless decision as she looked away, bitting her lip face flushed red, but this time it wasn't the cold.
"I...I didn't think of that , I only thought about helping you."

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