Chapter 8: Strong impressions

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3rd POV

Back to where we left off last time, we see team NMSS watching the "match" between Cardin and Jaune. If they can even, consider one due to how poor Jaune's combat skills are. They see Cardin with his mace on his shoulder, not even breaking a sweat while the blonde knight is already exhausted. 

Lanza: "Very painful to look at..." He muttered to Lena, seeing Jaune's last ditch efforts are in vain against Cardin. Though he is holding himself back on not to kill the said bully. 

Lena: "I could offer him few basic to semi advance training." She replied back to the swordsman, feeling the same way with him. 

Ash is observing as well, quite turned off and annoyed so to say. Not because of Jaune's poor combat skills but seeing a bully like Cardin in a school in Beacon pissed him off already. Like seriously, who enrolled this pathetic man?

Carl: "A bit odd don't you think? He enrolled in the school, yet he barely knows any sword forms. Something doesn't add up." He joined in the conversation of his teammates. They all shared agreed looks about it, welp time to find this out later. 

Back to where we are, we see Jaune charging towards the bully and does his last effort to land a hit on him. But Cardin sidesteps and swings his mace back at the blonde knight, at the process he lost his shield and lands onto the ground. 

Cardin: "This is the part where you lose

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Cardin: "This is the part where you lose." The bully said arrogantly, holding his mace without care in the world. 

Jaune: "Over my dead-!" He started, but only to be interrupted when a knee to the gut hits him, and Cardin raises his mace, ready to end him. 

Fortunately, the buzzer in the stage rings and signaling that the fight is now over. Much to the delight of Jaune's friends, though Ash is pissed but he calms down anyways. Looking over Cardin with slight malicious intent. 

Glynda: "Cardin, that's enough!" She yelled out towards to the said student, who relents and walks away while grumbling. "Students, as you can see, Mr. Arc's Aura has now dropped into the red. In a tournament-styled duel, this would indicate that Jaune is no longer fit for battle, and that the official may call the match" She explained while the blonde knight is still down in the floor. With that, it gains some slight frown from both Carl and Pyrrha. "Mr. Arc, it's been weeks now. Please try to refer to you're during combat. Gauging your Aura will help you decide when it's appropriate to attack, or when it is better to move to a more... defensive strategy. We wouldn't want you to be gobbled up by a Beowulf, now, would we?" She asks and slightly scolds the said knight. 

Ash: "Or you know, teach him how to do it then? I thought she's a teacher, not some...teacher with questionable whip that looks like came from a cheap adult store." He commented a bit loud, causing for Lanza and Carl snickering a bit. 

Unfortunately, the professor heard his comment and now glares back at the said vigilante. It didn't help that he simply smirked at her. Much to her annoyance and she pinches her nose a bit. 

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