Chapter 15: Consequences

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3rd POV

After an hour from the raid in the docks and s*it went wrong type of heist for Roman, we see the said top-hat criminal entering the hideout like a damn stealth guy he is and temporarily hiding out from his new boss for the meantime before he faces...

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After an hour from the raid in the docks and s*it went wrong type of heist for Roman, we see the said top-hat criminal entering the hideout like a damn stealth guy he is and temporarily hiding out from his new boss for the meantime before he faces the punishment. 

Roman: "Oum, didn't expect that the vigilante is going to have backups this time." He sighed tiredly, grabbing for his cigar this time and lights it. "F*cking hell. The broker must have left this out huh?" 

As he steps inside and goes into the hideout, a pink and brown-haired young lady suddenly lunges and tackles him for a hug. Roman chuckled and pets Neo's hair this time and looks down, seeing her concerned expression.

Neo: 'Are you all right!?' She shows her scroll to her adopted father for a moment before typing faster known to mankind. 'I've heard around the underground info that the docks have been attacked!'

Roman: "I'm all right dear, don't worry." He reassures his daughter and pets her head gently. "Unfortunately, I can't say the same from our heist."

Neo: 'Yeah...The Vigilante.' She typed, frowning and worried that her dad got a close encounter with the said criminal killer of Vale. 'Should I come with you next time?'

Roman: "Absolutely not!" He wasted no time on being against the idea of Neo being in way of danger, especially when the said vigilante is around. He huffed and lowered his cigar. "I rather watch you eat all the ice cream supplies than risking your life for me." 

Neo: 'You mean it?' She typed back in her scroll, touched on what he meant. The said criminal smiles and pets her head once again. 

Roman: "Yep, now why don't you sleep young lady and get some rest? I need some shower after this." He commented onto his daughter, who nodded and smiles before she types back and shows it to her dad. 

Neo: 'Sure! Not before I finish my ice cream.' She has a slight mischievous look in her face before running off, as Roman sighed before smiling anyways. 

Roman: "And there goes my sweet tooth of a daughter." The criminal mused to himself, smiling before walking off and taking his cigar back. 


It has been nearly a day since the incident on the docks, and it's not just an incident, it is also a darn bloodbath from how many white fang terrorist members have been slain in that said night. 

And as always, Professor Ozpin uses his power and governing rule of Vale to cover up the incident, and he did a great job doing so. Only White Fang, Roman Torchwick, and the Vigilante known as "Man in Red" are involved in the docks are mentioned.  

There has no trace or single word of Beacon Students stupidly risking their lives or just being involved in general. To Ozpin, this is a Deja vu case for him, this is not the first time a team going vigilant and doing their thing. 

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