Chapter 12: Out of the bag

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Author: FINALLY! I can post chapter after my exams, now enjoy!

3rd POV

Today is a new day for everyone else in Vale

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Today is a new day for everyone else in Vale. And not to mention, everyone is busy preparing and redecorating the city like there will be a festival happening of some sort. 

Oh wait, its right isn't? So, you see, Vale is hosting the next Vytal festival for this year, so it is understandable that people will be busy preparing. But without further ado, let's focus onto the others, shall we?

We see team NMSS in a dust store shop, as we see them buying their ammunitions, supplies and other materials they need both for their private projects and school related activities as well. 

Carl: "Vytal festival is near huh, man time flies fast when your busy at Beacon." He mused to his younger sister Lena, both siblings are seen putting the crystal dusts into their respective containers. 

Lena: "Tell me about it, and they are all lively too." She added to her brother, putting the crystals gently on their containers. "I'm already thinking of the school's future activities that they will do for us for the sake of "grades". So, we better enjoy this while we can."

Lanza: "I'm sure that the school will let us watch the events." The swordsman replied towards them, now putting his stuff into their containers gently. "If we do not piss off Professor Goodwitch that is." That alone shared a small chuckle from both Older and Younger Shadehearts. 

Ash: "Out of my years here in Vale, I have never seen them this lively." He entered in the scene with his team-mates, flicking and rotating his gas lighter for his cigarettes. "Wonder what got them this excited?"

Carl: "Must be natural since Vale is hosting the next Vytal Tournament, of course you got to let it all out and give it all no?" He shares his point to them as the vigilante chuckled in agreement. "Anything else you all want to buy?" 

Lanza: "I'm all good here with Lena." He nods to his leader's question as Lena puts the casing lid safely and closes it tight. 

Ash: "I'm all good here, I'm going to smoke outside a bit." He replied to Carl this time and pulls his cigar box this time. 

Lena: "You know smoking can kill you one day." She reprimanded her team-mate gently and scolding him for smoking at that. 

Ash: "Woah take it easy there Lena, it's not like I consume one cigar box in a day. One stick only." He reasons out as Carl rolled his eyes and helps Lena carrying their supply box to pay it off in the cashier. 

Carl: "I cannot guarantee your safety if you get caught smoking in the campus." He told to the vigilante with a small sweat drop as he helps his younger sister moves to the cashier. The swordsman shakes his head in disapproval before walking off, and Ash goes outside to smoke. 

From there, Ash ignites his smoke and let it burn a bit before lowering his gas lighter and looks outside, puffing his smoke out as he exhales it out. 

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