29| Pour your heart

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Sakina places back the glass on the table after swallowing down the medicines Dr

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Sakina places back the glass on the table after swallowing down the medicines Dr. Ates prescribed.

She tosses her hair back and twist it around the back of her neck to make a bun.

I wait patiently as she adjusts on the couch and looks out of the windows, the distant red and blue lights of the Bosporus bridge twinkle along with the blinking lights of the ferries on the sea, the sea completely invisible now that it's completely dark.

The previous statement which I tossed on Sakina made an impact on her, she stayed quite as I checked for her temperature again and when I gave her medications.

"So are you gonna...." I trial off realising I might be imposing something on her.

I still consider her as my that best friend for who I can fight my dad or my evil mom. But she might not feel the same.

There is a lot of misunderstandings between us which won't go away at a blink of a night. It took years for her to transform as she is. She deserves the time to come in terms with herself.

I rub the back of my neck, "It's okay, if you don't want to. I realised I kind of sounded a bit imposing back there, sorry."


"No. I think you should rest, I shouldn't have put that words on you. Rest today, you have to go to sign the lease tomorrow too."

She exhales. "Will you listen to me—"

"You can sleep in one the bedrooms, or mine if you are okay. I don't sleep anyway, you can sleep over there—"

It happened in a second.

She crosses the distance between us and grabs my face, clamping my mouth shut. I look at her with wide eyes as she straddles my lap, trapping my legs between hers.

"I said will you stop talking and listen to me?" She narrows her eyes, "Just because it's your second nature to talk, doesn't mean others don't deserve to talk too!"

I grab her wrist, removing her hand around my jaw. "You want to talk to me?"

She rolls her eyes. "There is obviously no one else here other than you and me."

"Okay." I reply, "I love the legs placement, by the way."

"Huh?" She looks down at her legs, her freckled face coats with red and she tries to scramble away from me. "I-I didn't realised."

I grab her arms, stopping her. "I don't mind. Really."

She gulps, "I don't think it's appropriate."

"Who said it has to be?" I grin.

She smacks my shoulder and gets off me, sitting beside me. "You are a pervert."

"Only you say that." I say.

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