Heroic Beginning

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A good life, a good life.

That's all anyone wants, right? To be married, have children, be successful.

Well, screw me sideways, I have everything but the first two!

It's quite damn unlucky, no, not unlucky, impossible.

I am a god amongst virgins.

But, what I've loved doing more than anything else, was helping others, and it always paid off!

I had a struggling friend who needed financial help, and I helped him, that resulted in me securing a job at his workplace, with a very good salary mind you.

Then there's this guy in front of me, Tamura, with his newfound lover, that I helped him set up.

It is quite romantic if you think about it, but I don't mind it, not at all, as I said, helping others is way more important to me at this point.

"Sir Satoru, I've heard so much about you!

We finally meet!"

His lovely lover called out to me.

Life is unfair man, but it is what it is.

I saw the very polite woman bow to me, and I felt grateful knowing that I can help one of my friends.

"Hey there's no need! Tamura is a very lonely person, so it's a relief knowing he got such a beautiful lady!"

They both got flustered, and I laughed.

"Hey, calm down guys, it's just a compliment, let's get some food and drinks on me.

To this amazing start of an amazing relationship!"

""Thank you!""


Then I heard a shout coming our way.

A man with a knife running at Tamura came.


I jumped in front of Tamura, and I felt something weird happen to my heart.


The one who was running suddenly stopped and was right in front of me.

What's going on? Why did he stop?

"Sir Satoru!!!"

Tamura grabbed my hand, and I turned my head slowly but weakly, what the hell was happening?!

Then it hit me.

I got stabbed.

No.. this can't be.

I wanted to at least, at the very least, do good to them.

Why is he raising the knife a-

No! He's trying to hit Tamura!

Tamura was clinging to my hand and I, even whilst dying, pushed Tamura and tackled the attacker.

I ended up getting stabbed again.


Tamura grabbed hold of the attacker and kept punching him over and over.

His lovely girlfiend, Miho Sawatari, is safe, thank god.

I saw Tamura's angry side for the first time for a brief second, then I closed my eyes.

'Good.. bye.. it was a good... life..

A good.. li-'

[Confirmed, as a result of the heroic actions of individual Satoru Mikami, individual has been granted Hero's Egg.]

Tensura Alteration: The Heroic One (TenseiYu)Where stories live. Discover now