Ways of the Holy Nation

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Join this server, we got some p cool and chill people, we just mess around and have fun, and we discuss anything you'd want to discuss.




"Hinata, any news on the group's travels?"

A good question from Lady Luminas set me thinking, I don't think I have gotten a message yet.

"No, Lady Luminas, they have not sent me anything regarding a signal of their progress."

Her look turned to disappointment, but only for a moment.

"Well, I hope the monsters in that damned lizard's forest don't pose too much trouble."

"Knowing Saare, he might be attacking them head on."

"Do you think he can take them on?
Along with Leonard, that is."

"The average monster would not last a split second against one of the Ten Great Saints, Lady Luminas.

The stronger ones are few and far between, and Demon Lords have not been sighted near the Sealed Cave for a long time."

"Indeed, those new Demon Lords are quite good at minding their own business and letting the ones stronger than them lead the way.

Only one is of concern to me, Clayman, the Demon Lord ruling over Jistav."

Lady Luminas, although very unholy for such a status, is very good at keeping track of her subordinates, me included, and will do anything to protect us should we get into a conflict we cannot get out of.

I am sure she would not let Saare and Leonard die, that is why she is asking.

"What about Satoru?
He seems promising."

"To be completely honest with you, besides that blade skill he has, I do not know if he will live up to your expectations."

"Don't be such a pessimist, dear Hinata, it makes you look bad, and it would be unwise to ruin such a beauty."

There she is with her flirtation..

"Lady Luminas.."

"Oh come on, entertain my desires for once!"

"That's one request I'm going to decline."

"Hmph! You're no fun to tease."

It's good that I am not, otherwise, I think I would've cracked under the pressure of such flirtation long ago.

Lady Luminas cleared her throat and decided to start a new conversation.

"Hinata, do you not have any regrets?"

"Why do you ask, Lady Luminas?"

"I find it unfair to you that you are forced to stay still within the Church and never chase after your own goals."

"I am chasing my goals, serving humanity, and me being here is the perfect way to do so.

As for my regrets..
It's not getting to know my teacher more.
I think you know the story, Lady Luminas."

Lady Luminas looked in my general direction, is she zoning out?

"Is something the matter, Lady Luminas?"

"Sometimes I wonder, was making the Church like this the right decision?"

"..? What do you mean?"

"As much as I hate Veldora, the monsters are not at fault."

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