Journey's Start

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"Yes, Sir Saare?"

"You do not need armor, because this is training!"

Those were the words of Sir Saare before we left Lubelios, it has been a few hours since we began our journey to that "Sealed Cave", and I am nothing short of quivering from anticipation.

A journey on foot, where we will first make our way to a place called the "Free Guild", at said place, we're going to talk to the Headmaster of the guild, and tell him to cancel all jobs and search missions near the area as it is turning into a temporary restriction zone due to the job me and Sir Saare took.

Why do we need to do all that though? I have no idea, but if it must be done, it must be for the best.

Up ahead, we spotted a large monster,

Already..? I'm not mentally prepared to fight monsters as it seems.

"Alright, Satoru, engage!"

"Sir Saare, I wish to learn about the monsters before hand!"

"It is useless to learn about an enemy that will perish! Go!"

Agh.. man.. my insatiable hunger to learn more about this world was just shot down in the matter of a sentence.

"Yes.. Sir Saare.."

With a very disappointed look on my face I approached carefully, the beast, as I got closer, seems to be a very demonic version of a minotaur, with a very good resemblance to a human figure, actually I think I can feel it emitting something...

Is that.. Youki? It is! This world has Auras! And I'm guessing that's a demon so it should be Youki.

The "Youki" in question gave off an equally demonic vibe, and I knew that this monster was not to be taken lightly.

"Satoru, this is a Demon, a Greater one no less, these monstrous creatures are dangerous, so be careful, obviously I am very powerful so my intervention is unnecessary."

I took a deep breath and took a combat stance.

Turns out watching anime a lot and playing Dark Souls really helps, I felt like a professional, as I took a stance in a very fast way, I was very surprised myself.

I held the sword in both hands, and had my right leg holding most of my weight.

The demon rushed at me with speed I couldn't keep up with at first.

I began dodging while trying to maintain my stance, the blade's weight didn't matter as I had more than enough strength to keep it held.

A projectile sent flying to the left part of my long hair sent a shiver down my spine, one misstep and I would have been gravely wounded.

The attacking from the demon kept going for a while, and I felt like I was getting used to all it's attack patterns slowly.


The first block in the battle so far, the minotaur-like demon was trying to punch me with it's iron-like fists, but I blocked with my blade, somehow, even though the blade was thinner than the fist, I had a decently easy time blocking the attack.

"End the battle, Satoru, we can't waste much time."

"Yes, Sir Saare!"

Heeding his words, I thought maybe I should try using that same skill I used back when Hinata fought all those monsters.

Tensura Alteration: The Heroic One (TenseiYu)Where stories live. Discover now