Prologue End - Arc 1 - Through The Forest

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"Sir Satoru!"

Sir Satoru?! Who might this be?!

Someone entered the room as I finished getting ready...

"Ah, it's you, thank you for all the care you've given me."

It's the beautiful pink-haired Ogre, the one who has been treating my wounds and getting the food to me.

"Don't worry about it, Sir Satoru, you helped my brother in battle, the entire village owes you."

"You're making me embarrassed.."

I scratched the back of my head then continued,

"And stop calling me Sir Satoru, just Satoru is fine, I'm not your superior anyways."

"If you wish so, Sir Sa- Er..
Satoru, then I'll do so from now on."

'Why don't they ever use their names around here?
I was embarrassed to ask why, but I'm really curious now.'

{No Satoru don't! I ca-}

"You know, I never got your name..

"...? Excuse me?"

Oh... She's mad now? Damnit, I knew no girls were normal!

"Forget it.. it's fine."

"You don't know? Monsters don't have names."


{You should have let me answer that.}

'Wait is she serious?'

{Yes, monsters like Ogres use thought communication, so it's unnecessary.}

'Hah?!! That's dumb, I'll give her a name!'


"Then, you'll be.."

"What?! Satoru, it's not wise to-"

"Shuna! It means affection! Since you have an older br-
Woah... I'm getting dizzy!"

I stumbled backwards a little, and I felt something leaving my soul.

{The same essence you consumed from the monsters you killed is being reassembled and given to her.}

'Wait, why? Was this a trap?!'

{Names are basically power ups for monsters, that's why she was trying to warn you.}

'Oh.. wait, does that mean she has gotten exponentially stronger by merely being named?'

{Yes, you got dizzy from the amount of Magicules that were assembled and left through your body at once.}

'Okay.. But do you know how much I have left?'

{Quite a lot, but you shouldn't overuse it, since it takes directly from "Justice Blade", which would make it weaker with extended use.}

I saw the Ogre lady, Shuna, faint, and her body started glowing, which made me panic.

After a while the glowing stopped and I stood over her...

"Sister! Why are you taking so long?"

'Oh shit! Her brother is going to be so mad!!!
He's gonna think the wrong things!!!'

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