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Join this server, we got some p cool and chill people, we just mess around and have fun, and we discuss anything you'd want to discuss.



"Leonard Jester, approach the stand."

"Yes Sir."

Standing in front of the Seven Luminary Clerics always made me feel a little nervous, but I wonder what they wanted now?

"You have heard of where Saare and that newcomer Satoru went, yes?" The Luminary of the Sun, Gran, asked me a simple question.

Someone else in the room was with me, Chief Knight Hinata Sakaguchi, who told me she wants to see what decision they'll take.

"Yes, I have, if I am not mistaken, they went towards the Sealed Cave within the Jura Forest, under the premise of investigation, but they should have reached Ingrassia by now."

"Good, you are well-informed, which makes you one of our better knights."

"Thank you, Sir."

Another Luminary asked me, the Luminary of Mercury, Meris.

"Say, what do you think of going with them? We had wanted to choose one of you to go with the other two, and we see you as the perfect fit.

As you know, that Saare is very hardheaded and prideful, which could influence that newcomer Satoru, and to counteract that, we need you, and your personality, to join them."

"Indeed, your attitude is highly respectable, much like Hinata's, and we do not want more people that act like Saare, it is not an insult to him, but Saare's behavior outside his missions is always thorny and driven by ego.

So, what will be your choice?"

The Luminary that spoke those words, was the Luminary of Jupiter, Salun, and those words were not wrong, not at all.

Saare is a very passionate and determined individual, within the range of work, that is..

Outside all that? He's loud, very weird as well, but we all love him as our friend, because without Saare, the "Ten Great Saints" that include me would not be nearly as lively.

"I have no objections, I saw Satoru myself, and I would hate for such an innocent person to become tainted with hotheadedness."

"Perfect, you may set out immediately.

Hinata, if you want to, you may go as well."

The Luminary of the Sun proposed a very dangerous proposal, which led to it being denied immediately.

"No, two Great Saints is more than enough, and my duties do not allow me to go.

I am also curious how Satoru will turn out in the end when two people on different sides accompany him.

Leonard, let's go."

"Yes, Chief.

It was a pleasure to see you, Luminaries."

"Do not disappoint, Leonard."

"Yes, Sir!"

I left, and Chief Hinata did not even bid them farewell, immediately leaving with me.

The door shut behind us, and we both walked together, towards the main gate of the Headquarters.

"Chief Hinata, why do you not like the Luminaries?"

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