Surefire Technique

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All that could circle in Leonard's head was "What the hell had happened?"

He wanted to talk out loud, but his throat was about to rip apart if he spoke one further sentence.

He was happy with himself for the time being, he was satisfied even.

With this new ability of his.. he could help Satoru, he could really be useful!

Well, when he recovers, that is.

It was quite the commodity how much they destroyed Lubelios, how much torment they must have inflicted.

Leonard smiled lightly, knowing that it'll be soon enough that he can go back to the Ogre village and fulfill his promise to Shuna.

And maybe... Saare...


Leonard's mind wandered off on its own.. thinking of Saare over and over again.

Saare.. Saare..


He's the reason we're here in the first place!!!

Leonard's mind went into meltdown as he started to regain some of his former kind attitude back, he began berating himself for being so stupid as to forget his friend.

I'm.. I'm such an idiot!

How could I..?

---{Music Selection: Dark Souls 2 King Vendrick Theme}--

Walking through the now barren lands, Luminas had realized that what was once a flourishing environment, was now exactly like her rival's..

She felt further humiliation that she now had a land no different than her enemy's..

She kept walking like a zombie, her eyes blank..

She had felt the attack that destroyed the remainder of Lubelios a while back, but, she couldn't be bothered anymore.

She kept walking and walking...

She was going to reach Dagruel and the offender..

She wandered forward, she knew she could have gotten there quicker.. But.. she just didn't want to.

-"The scriptures of me from my nation once had these writings..

'When fear instills, call upon she who cleanses all.

Forbidden lines and gathered courage matter not.

Grab hold of your treasure, swing it, ring it.

Summon with it, beckon the Goddess, for she observes all.

With your sacred treasure summon her, she who cleanses all.'

Those lines..

Have been answered."

She moved her hands through the air as she prepared something for firing.

It was the strongest technique of hers to have ever been developed..

Sanctuary Disintegration.

Luminas never acquired interest in the belief of the people of Lubelios, however, the infinite belief flowing through the people of Lubelios caused her to use Holy Magic more and more.

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