For Whom Does Vengeance Come?

365 19 5

Haha church go brr.


Join this server, we got some p cool and chill people, we just mess around and have fun, and we discuss anything you'd want to discuss.



-"How does that happen?"

Hinata looked at me, and deep into my eyes, she found her answer.


You consumed the Dragon!

This is the only answer!

Your Magicule amount is far too absurd!"

An evil smirk is what appeared on my face, and she began blitzing me.

But all her attacks were for nothing, as one slide of my sword sliced the entire floor up to the walls, which made her jump far back.

"You.. You're worse than a monster.

A human..? No.. You're a devil."

 Me? A devil? How laughable.

This is the same woman from the same church that condones murder of creatures.

And I'm still going to reduce all of this church, and her, to rubble..

Speaking of rubble..

The rubble hadn't cleared yet..

My hair hadn't even settled down yet, and that's all she could see.

My smile.

Why was I even smiling anyways..? I don't know... My anger isn't letting me think properly..

But that moment of thought doesn't matter now, as another slash sent Hinata flying, no.. That wasn't the right description.

Another wave of Spiritrons sent Hinata crashing straight into the wall.

Serves that wench right..

I caused their deaths huh?

I'll show her what deaths I can cause..!

Everyone had probably already evacuated.. Not that I care.. This church is coming down one way or another.

"Agh... You're.."

-"Shut it, stop talking, wench.
You said I caused their deaths?"

I went to Hinata and grabbed her by the collar, which lead to her staring me dead in the eye.

She looked fearless.

-"I... Stand by what I said.
And now with so much power at your disposal... You're no different than those mo-"


I slapped her face with such strength it echoed throughout whatever remained of the burning church.

-"Stop calling them monsters, if they're monsters, THEN WHAT ARE YOU!!?

YOU ALL are just wolves in sheep's clothing!

That god... You all worship.

She's the one who started this.

And I'm going to kill her."

-"You won't lay a hand on her!"

Hinata made a sudden move forward, and I moved backwards.

If I had stood still for a second longer her glowing sword might've gotten me.

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