Amidst The Heat Of Battle

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Join this server, we got some p cool and chill people, we just mess around and have fun, and we discuss anything you'd want to discuss.



{I'm your skill, "Ancient One".}

'Huh?! You're the skill? Wait, skills can talk?!'

{There's so much I need to explain to you, but bear with me and survive this battle!}

'Okay, you got it!'

So with this newly discovered revelation, I kept on going with the Red-hair and the two others, we eventually reached a large battlefield where many Ogres were fighting hordes of Lizardmen.

"Human, are you absolutely sure you want to join?"

"The name is Satoru, and yes, I am sure."

'I am definitely not sure, that confidence came out of no-where.

I don't want to kill sentient beings..'

{Satoru, you must realize the harsh truth of this world.

Behind a curtain of perfection always lies a stage of despair.

Blood is the way of this world, in this area at least.

You have to improvise, adapt and overcome those feelings of fear you have.

If you want to be a hero, you have to make the right decision.}


'I have a question for you.'

{Go right ahead, ask me anything.}

'Who are you?'

{I am one who has existed long ago but faded out as time past.

I have no name, but my past life remains with me, and it seems I reincarnated into your skill after dying.}

'No name? Really? Remind me to give you one later, I can't think properly with all this blood-shed.'

"Come then, the front-lines await!"


"Charge them!"

{Satoru, your first lesson here:

Keep your Justice Blade maintained as long as possible.}


I'll do that right now!'

So, activating Justice Blade and going into the battle was what I did, and right after I began fighting tens of Lizardmen and Direwolves, I tried as much as I can to avoid bloodshed..

Then I got hit by an attack right in the shoulder, a spear toss from a Lizardmen.

"Aghh! Son of a-"

I jumped back a little and looked at the spear hit.

I was once more surprised by how much it doesn't hurt compared to how much I thought it would.

But it still hurt! It's like a supersized hornet sting!

Then getting a quick look everywhere, I was hit with that same despair the voice told me about.

Countless people fighting for their lives, begging for mercy, being dragged through the mud, tearing each other apart with their bare hands sometimes.

'Is this why Shizu looked away when I said nothing goes wrong in this world?

It must be..

I was foolish, idiotic, to think that an entire world can be sunshine and rainbows..'

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