Newcomer's Preparations

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Join this server, we got some p cool and chill people, we just mess around and have fun, and we discuss anything you'd want to discuss.



Saare and I have been roaming the Church for a while now.

We entered an area that I presume to be where those Holy Knights stay.

Wait, "Those" isn't the proper term anymore, "We", is the correct word, I made my choice to join them, and I will prove myself.

"Y'know, you should become my apprentice, I'll take good care of you, I am the second strongest after all."

I had the blankest face in existence, was this guy serious? Although I wanted to shout "NO!" at the top of my lungs, I did not, I put on a respectful tone with a very fake smile.

"Thank you for the offer, Sir Saare,"

"Then, you'll..!" He got excited, wrong order of words from me.

"-But I'll have to decline, I am not under anyone at this moment, but, I will notify you if I wanted to undergo apprenticeship with you."

I think I made him angry.. Oh no.

His face began turning red, and I am once again, mortified, frozen in place.

"S-Sir.. Sa-are?"

"You.. want to be Hinata's apprentice, don't you."


"Don't answer that, I know, it is hard to resist her strength, but let me tell you."

He got closer to me and whispered right into my ear, in a very danger-telling tone.

"She is brutal.

You wouldn't survive her training."

I think my soul left my body.

Ah wait no I'm still thinking to myself.

"Let's go get you ready."

His demeanor turned serious, and we finished the walk silently.

We approached a room-door, and it had quite the amount of engravings on it.

"I will get you some temporary gear, meanwhile, enter the room right there, and get yourself acquainted with your room.

When you move up, eventually, you'll get a new room if you want."

Woah, his attitude is quite respectable now! That is much better!

Nice, definitely nice, he also seems to believe in me, "when you move up" not "if you move up".

I've got myself a decent friend, at the very least.

"Thank you, Sir Saare." I paused for a second then bowed slightly.

I entered the room and it was a mess.

It seems this room had been left vacant for a while, dusty and out of shape.

Although.. hmm..

I started moving things around and the space in the room only grew bigger, much to my satisfaction, I began ordering things to closely resemble how I had things ordered back in my original life..

Whenever I sit down I feel like this is all too surreal.. I mean it is quite literally a magical world, but, yeah I think my point has been made.

Then I discovered a very interesting fact, whilst moving things around I noticed that my physical strength is, uhm, how to say this, very high.

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