1. I Want You Bad Boy

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A beeping sound is caught in my ear. I open my eyes. I look to my right and see the bright red numbers on my alarm clock, glowing in the dark. The clock read 5:00 am.

"Crap," I mumble under my breath. It's the regular time I wake up for school, but I've yet to get used to the early time. I'm a night owl.

I slowly crawl out of bed and make my way out of the room, down the hallway, and into the bathroom. I turn the shower knobs. I wait for the water to get hot and then strip off my black tank top and pink shorts. I hop into the shower. After washing down my body, shaving, and shampooing my hair I step out of the shower. I dry off then tightly secure my towel around myself. I walk out of the bathroom, down the hall and into my bedroom.

I slip on a pair of jeans and an old yellow and green camp T-shirt. I brush out my brown hair with faded blonde highlights, slip on my converse shoes and walk downstairs for breakfast. The clock in the living room to my left read 5:50. I walk into the kitchen and sit at a bar stool in the kitchen. My mom has her back to me, focusing on a pan of eggs on the stove. She's still in her bathrobe. Her short brown hair is slightly sticking up.

"Morning, Mom." I say laying my head down on the bar.

"Morning, Sweetie. Sleep well?" My mom asks, taking a look behind her at me.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good." She reaches into a cabinet above her for a glass cup and plate. She pours some eggs onto the plate and places two slices of buttered toast on it, from another plate to her right. She passes the plate to me and I eat it up, hungrily.

"Do you want orange juice?"

I nod my head due to my stuffed mouth. She passes the glass to me, after pouring the juice. I finish up my breakfast, drink down my juice, and start to get up from the bar. "I'm going to finish getting ready. Thanks for breakfast," I say.

"Okay" my mom says, putting my dishes in the sink. "Can you wake your sister up?"

"Sure, love you." I say, as I turn around. I see my dad coming out of his room from behind the stairs to my left. He's already dressed in his work suit, and is clean shaven with a dirty blond buzz cut. He works at a collage in town and has a class at 7:00. "Morning, Dad."

"Morning,Sweetie." I give him a hug then head up the stairs. The first door on my right belongs to my older sister Kristina, who was a sophomore in collage. I knock on the door, and after hearing no reply, I walk in. She's passed out on her bed, the sheets and comforter all in a twist. I walk over to her and watch as she inhales then exhales. Her dirty blond hair is tangled and lays out everywhere, including on her face. Her mouth is slightly open and she lays on her stomach. I shake her shoulder hard and fast.

"Kristina, wake up. It's 6:15 am and you have class today at 7:30." I memorized my sister's school schedule. My older sister lets out a groan and turns onto her back.

"What do you want, Ruth?" She doesn't even bother to open her eyes.

"Mom sent me in here to wake you for school." Another groan escapes her...

"Alright," she says daring to open her eyes. "I'm getting up."

"Okay." I leave her room and walk straight, back to the bathroom. I brush my teeth, and do a basic coat of make-up, including: base, blush, black eyeliner and mascara. By the time I finish it's 6:29. I hurry to grab my backpack from my room then head downstairs. Mom and dad are eating breakfast together, at the table, in the kitchen. "I'm leaving, love you guys."I shout over to them.

"Love you too," they reply.

I walk out the door and onto the porch. I wait for only a minute before my best friend Paige pulls up into my driveway, riding her red 2013 ford mustang with black pinstripes down the center. I run to her car and get in.

"Morning, Beautiful." Paige says to me with a smile.

"Morning, Gorgeous." I reply back.

"So what's up?" she says pulling out of the driveway.

"Nothing, really. You?"

"Nope. Oh! I stalked Brett last night on facebook." she says with a smile.

I laugh, "and how did that go?"

"Fine, but we didn't talk." she says, sticking out her bottom lip, pouting.

"Aww," I say, with disappointment in my voice.

Brett is Paige's crush. She's liked him since 8th grade. So four years, since we are now Juniors in High School. She's been too scared to talk to him, plus he's been in a relationship till this past summer, when he finally dumped the slut. Well, she was cool in 8th and 9th grade but then suddenly she started caring about showing off her body. So our sophomore year the couple really struggled. Finally he dumped her this past summer. She already got a boyfriend of course. But Brett on the other hand had been riding solo. Paige has been trying to gain the guts to ask him out.

"Are you going to ask him out today?" I ask Paige giving her a sweet smile.

She starts laughing hysterically. "That's really funny, Ruth!" she continues laughing really hard.

"I'm assuming that's a 'no'?" I say, raising my eyebrows.

My best friend flips her auburn hair back over her shoulder. "Girl, that's bull. I love the boy, honestly,"she says putting a hand to her heart, "but it's going to be awhile till we get together. If we get together..."

"You need to ask him out!" I yell.

"No, I don't. You know he might just be that boy I only day dream about. The one I NEVER date."

I look at her in disapproval. "Maybe I should rearrange your date for you."

"No!" she says looking my way."

"Okay, okay," I say, giving in, "eyes on the road, Woman!"

She exhales. "Okay, we're pulling into the parking lot. Please promise me you won't ask him out for me."

I smile at her "I promise I won't ask Brett out for you."

"Thank you."

Paige parks the car and we start to get out. I grab my back pack and pull my head out of the car, as I did I hear the roar of an engine. I look up to see a black bike zoom past the car, I didn't get a good look at the guy's face on the bike, seeing he had a black bike helmet on.

"Hey, Paige. Who's that?"

She looks where I'm pointing, at the boy on the bike. "Some new kid. He joined the school Thursday."

"Why not today? A Monday?"

She shrugs. "Don't know. He just did."

I nod my head, "Okay." We walk from the parking lot all the way to the school doors before Paige says,

"Wait a minute! Do you like him?"

I looked at her in shock. "No, I don't even know what his face looks like."

She purses her lips. "You should like him." she states flatly, opening the school door.

"I don't know what he even looks like!" I follow Paige inside the building.

She shrugs. "I do, and I'm saying you should like him. Total hottie."

I smile, "Unitil I meet him, it's a no go."

Suddenly I am bumped into and my back pack falls to the floor, spilling out a few of my books, "shoot, I thought it was zipped." I mumble to myself bending down to pick the stuff up. I look up to see who had bumped into me and see a boy standing there. He has dirty blonde hair that was styled up with gel. He wears a worn out pair of jeans with a slightly tight white V-neck shirt, a black leather jacket was slung over his shoulder. Black combat boots cover his feet. He's smoking hot.

The boy gives me a smirk, "sorry," he says before walking off. I just stare at him in disbelief. He wasn't even going to help me pick up my things. I watch as he walks down the hall. Before he turns the corner he looks over his shoulder, at me, and gives me another smirk. Jerk.

Author's Note:

Hey guys! Please Vote and comment! Let me know what you think! Do you like the cover picture? Hot right? Haha! Comment!

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