14. Ice Cream Kisses

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I close my eyes and let the wind blow onto my face. I hold onto Garrett as he rides down the street, on his motorcycle. My helmet doesn't cover my whole face like his does, allowing me to get slapped in the face by the wind. I open my eyes as we slow down, realizing Garrett was pulling into a dixie queen parking lot. He parks and turns it off. I swing my leg over the bike, getting off.  He does the same and kicks the kick stand in place. We both remove our helmets and set them on the bike. He smiles down at me, the few inches of height separating us. 

"Did you enjoy the ride?"

"I always do." I respond with a small smile.

"You were holding onto me pretty tight. Was I scaring you or do you just like to cuddle?" He smirks, making me blush.

"Both," I walk off toward the restaurant before he could respond.

We enter the Dixie Queen and quickly come up with our orders. When it was our turn Garrett steps up to the counter,

"Hello, um, two small blizzards. A cookies and cream and a chocolate cookie dough."

"With that be all?" asks the red head worker.

"Yes." he turns to me. I hand him the money from Dad, he takes it and hands it to the lady. She accepts it and slips it into the cash register, pulling out our change. 

"Here you are," she says handing the money and a receipt to us.

"Thank you," I say accepting the stuff from her and slipping it into my pocket. I'll give the change to Dad later.

We wait a moment as she makes the blizzards. There were two other groups of a couple people inside the place, not very busy. She finishes and hands us the ice cream. We take it with a word of "thanks" and step outside to sit.

I take a bite of my cookie dough ice cream and smile, "Yum." I take another bite.

Garrett takes a bite of his and also smiles, "Good, right?"

I nod, "I love Dixie Queen."

"Yah, it's pretty good." 

I take a bite and glance at him, "What did you think about tonight?"

He looks over at me, "It was nice. Your parents are cool. I can tell you're close to them."

I nod, "Yah, I am." I look back at my cup of ice cream and take another bite.

"I was afraid your dad would yell at me because of the whole "you riding my bike" thing." says Garrett also taking a bite.

"Yes," I say with a sigh, "I was afraid of that as well. I was kind of surprised when he said he didn't mind."

Garrett nods, "Some folks don't."

"Well, I was expecting mine to. But apparently my dad doesn't. I wonder if my mom does."

Garrett shrugs, "Don't know." He looks over at me, "By the way, I should have said this earlier but, you look beautiful tonight."

I blush and smile, "Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself."

He chuckles and looks into my eyes. I look into his. Gosh, they're so gorgeous. He was so amazing tonight. I think he really hit it off with my parents. They seem to like him! "Do you really like me?"

His question took me by surprise. Of course I like him. Would I have a family dinner with him if I didn't? Would I kiss him if I didn't? Would I think about him so much if I didn't? "What kind of question is that?" I say with a smirk.

"Can you just answer it?" He suddenly seemed nervous and anxious. What made him ask this?

I knit my eyebrows together in confusion but respond anyway. "Yes. I really do. Why?"

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