20. Meeting the Smith Family (part two)

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Author's Note: Wow! I am almost at 700 reads....I didn't think I'd get so many reviews on this book! Thank you all for feedback and voting! Fan me and I will fan back

The sound of spoons tapping the glass bowls fill the air. The three of us were silent as we ate our soup. I glance between Garrett and Katie who were staring at their bowls. Being bored of the silence, I decide to break it.

"So, how long are you here?" I ask Katie.

She takes a glance at Garrett, "Just tonight. Auntie will pick me up in the morning."

"Dad won't stay sober for too long. So, we don't get a lot of time. Plus, she's got school tomorrow."

"I see," I say, taking a bite of my soup.

"I'm fine with skipping school." Says Katie throwing her hands in the air. "But, I can't." she drops her arms to her side and sticks out her bottom lip. 

"Oh, come on. School isn't too bad," I say with a smile.

She looks at me, eyebrows raised. "Yes it is. It's terrible!"

"Yeah, I have to agree with Katie. School sucks!" Garrett throws in, nodding his head in agreement.

"But you can learn!" I argue.

Katie looks at me like I'm an alien. She keeps her eyes locked on me as she says, "I didn't realize you got yourself a nerd, Mister." Garrett and I laugh.

"I'm not a nerd!" 

"How about a hot nerd?" Garrett says with a wink.

I open my mouth, to tell him 'no'. But I pause and consider it, tipping my head side to side. "Okay, I can deal with that."

Katie and Garrett laugh at me. "So how old are you?" Katie asks.


"That's cool. Do you have a car?"

I nod, "Yeah, but Garrett picked me up for tonight."

"Gotcha," she says, taking a bite of her soup.

"How old are you?" I ask. 

"Twelve," she replies with a frown. "I can't wait till I'm older, like in High School! It sounds awesome!"Garrett and I laugh.

"Well, you'll be there soon enough," Garrett says. She shrugs and looks down at her soup.

I take a glance at Garrett. He smiles at me and continues to eat. I grin to myself and take a bite of soup. I hear a door slam and look behind me, along with Garrett and Katie. Mr. Smith walks in, looking angry. I gulp.

"What? You couldn't wait for me?" He asks, irritated.

"Sorry, I didn't think you'd care." responds Garrett with a shrug.

"Stop assuming the worst in me," Mr. Smith rolls his eyes and grabs a bowl from the cabinet.

"I'm not assuming. I know for a fact that you don't care," Garrett snaps back. Katie and I look at Garrett who has his eyes locked on his father. I glance at Katie who is mouthing at her brother to stop.

Garrett doesn't look at her, but continues to stare at Mr. Smith. I reach out my right hand to touch Garrett's hand. He doesn't respond to my touch. I glance at Mr. Smith who is slowly turning around to face Garrett.

"Shut-up, boy."

Garrett clenches his teeth together and glares at his father. Katie stands up,

"I think we should step outside, Garrett," she says, calmly.

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