3. Stupid Set-up

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After lunch I head to my math class. I had eaten my lunch in a bathroom. I know....yuck...but I didn't want to go back to the lunch room or have any chance of running into Garrett. So I headed to the bathroom and hung out in there. At 1:00 o'clock I joined the others in the hallway getting our stuff from the lockers and heading to class. 

I walk into my math class and sit down at a desk in the front. Math is my favorite class, I have always made A's in the class. And my teacher Mrs. Hayes was really nice! I pull out my math book, a notepad of paper, and a pencil. I wait for the class to start as more kids walk in. I watch the door waiting for the teacher. I notice a fairly new face enter the door: Garrett. 

"Crap," I think to myself. I bury my head down against my chest but he still notices me. He takes the seat behind me. The teacher walks in before he has a chance to say anything. The lecture begins. 

It was fairly easy to stay focused on the class, Garrett didn't speak to me. Which was good. I do wonder why I hadn't noticed him last week if he's in my class. Maybe he stayed to the back or something, or I was really focused on the lecture; which I need to be doing right now, I told myself. 

I zoomed from my thoughts back to the lecture and heard the teacher finish up part of the lecture before she announced "pop quiz." The class groaned but I just sat up in my chair, waiting for the paper. 

After everyone received the quiz Mrs. Hayes said, "You have fifteen minutes, start now." I ffinished the double sided two pages in ten minutes then waited for everyone else to finish. When they did the quizes were passed to the people in the front row. I collected the quizes from my row then passed them up to Mrs.Hayes. She collected the papers and dismissed the class. 

I quickly gathered my things, 1. because I didn't want to talk to Garrett. 2. I had only ten minutes to change into my gym uniform. I head to the girl's changing room, change into some blue shorts and a grey T-shirt , then head to one of the gyms. There were two gyms in the school, side by side, divided by a big sheet-like-drape. One side was for the basketball team, the other the Volleyball team. I was on the girl's volleyball team. 

I stretch then join Paige for a warm up of passing. We pass the ball back and forth yelling "Got it" and "Mine" every time we head for the ball. Paige has a look on her face showing she's in a daze. But she never misses a ball.  I hope all was going well for her.

After V-ball practice, school was over. I change back into my outfit and walk through the halls of the school, heading towards the front doors. 

"Hey, Ruth!" I turn around to see who was calling my name.

"Oh,hey Paige." I say after seeing my friend, running down the hall to me. "I thought you were meeting up with Brett?"

She reaches me and stands by my side. "I was, but something came up and he said he'd call me tonight."

"Okay," I say. 

"Did you notice who stared at you during V-ball practice?"

I look at her with confusion, "No...?"

She smirked, "That hot bad boy was sitting in a corner of the gym staring at you, quite intensely."

I frowned. "Honestly, I don't care. He's annoying."

She shrugs her shoulders, "Yeah, but he's still hot. He was sweet to me in History and Geography." after seeing my confusion she adds, "we're in that class together."

"Okay," I say, "but he was a jerk when he talked to me."

"He talked to you?" she asks.

"Yeah, he flirted with me."

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