2. An unexpected move

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I picked my books up with the help of Paige. 

"I can't believe that he just walked off, without helping you!" she said for the 5th time.

"I know, sorta rude." I reply, slinging my back pack on my shoulder.

"Not just rude! But unnacceptable!  He's so hot! Why can't you find a sweet hot guy?" I shrug. "I'm going to go chase him down." She starts to walk down the hall but I grab her arm pulling her back over to me.

"Oh, no you don't! Please, just forget it." 

She inhales deeply before saying, "Fiiinnnnnnneee."

"Thanks." We walk down the hall a little before having to part ways. "See you in a bit," I say.

"Okay, later Girl." We walk off in diferent directions towards our lockers. I put some of my books in the locker and grab some others. I lock up my locker, and turn around to see Brett standing there in front of me. 

"Hey, where is Paige's locker?" he asks.

I am totally dumbfounded that he knows her name. She will freak! "Um..." I say trying to get the words out."It's number 248. Right down that hall," I say pointing. 

"Thanks," he says and walks down the hall in the direction of my pointing finger.

I head down the hall to my first class, which is Language. My heart pounding with excitement for Paige. 


After Language I switch books and hurry to writing class. Paige is standing at the door waiting for me. She seems excited. "Did you see Brett?" 

She squeals, "He asked me on a date!" 

"Oh my Gosh!! Yay!" I say jumping up and down with her. "Where are ya'll going to go?"

"I don't know!" She said still jumping. "He said he'd call me tonight!!"

"Yay!" I stopped jumping when I saw Mr. Arthur walking down the hall. We needed to get into the classroom before he did. "Come on,"I say pulling Paige into the room. We take a seat at a desk in the back of the room. 

"Morning, Class." Mr. Arthur says walking in. 

"Morning," we all respond.


I was on my way to the lunch room. 3rd period was science and I was in it with Brett and Paige who flirted and smiled at eachother the whole time. 4th period I was in History/Geography with Brett who would ask me questions about Paige every chance he got. then 5th period I was again with Brett who  continued to ask me questions about Paige. Then 6th period I was in literature with Paige who asked me constantly what Brett had asked about her, and demanded for details. I barely heard the teacher's lectures- which is not a norm for me.

"So did he really say I was, cute?" Paige asked for the millionth time. 

I stopped in my tracks and faced her. "Nahhh, I've been lying to you this whole time."

Her mouth dropped open.

"Yes, Paige! He said it! Now please! Shut-up..."

"Okay," she said with a twinkle in her eye.

"Why don't you go ahead to the cafeteria. I need to put some books in my locker then i'll meet you in there."

"Okay," says Paige still in lala land. "Maybe i'll sit with Brett."

I walk away and down a few halls to my locker. I unlock it and shove my bag in the locker. I'm  locking up the lock when I hear a voice behind me.

"What's your name?" I look behind me. It's the bad boy from earlier, the one on the bike and who had ran into me and then didn't help clean up the books.

"Why do you need to know?" I say with sass, seeing his face brought back my anger from earlier which ticked me off.

"Because I want to. Got a problem with it?"

"Yeah, seeing it's my name." I say raising an eyebrow.

"Look," he says walking towards me. His arms are crossed showing off his ripped muscles. Gosh, he was good looking. "I just want to know. Can you tell me?"

I purse my lips, and stare him in the eye. 

He looked away, obviously impatient. He says with a more gentle tone, "Look, I'm sorry I didn't help you clean up your books earlier."

I raise both my eyebrows, surprised by his apology. 

"Can I just know your name?"

I wait a few more seconds before replying, "Ruth. My name is Ruth."

He gives a smirk then scans me down with his eyes, head to toes and back to my face. "Pretty name."

Disgusted by his staring I quickly shouted out at him, "Yeah, well what's your name?"

 "Garrett. Garrett Smith."

"Nice to meet you Garrett Smith." I say with no enthusiasm. I walk off to the cafeteria, and surprisingly, he doesn't follow.

When I arrive in the cafeteria, I search for Paige. I spot her sitting at a table alone with Brett. Alot of other poeple were watching them, including Trisha (Brett's Ex). I grab some food and then head over to the table they're sitting at. 

"Hey," I say.

"Hey," she says giving me a sad smile. 

"What's wrong?" I ask looking from Brett to Paige. 

Paige takes a glance at Brett than whispers in my ear, "Can you leave us to talk? I don't want to be mean but I really want to have some alone time with him." she gives me her puppy dog face. 

I smile at her, "Yeah, sure. I'll probaly take this burger and go sit at my locker."

"Thanks," she says giving me a grin.

I get up and head out of the cafeteria to my locker. On days when one of us isn't here we usually eat by  our locker. Paige and I both hate the cafeteria noise, unless we're together it makes it better. So we both end up sitting in the hallway for lunch if one of us is ever sick. In this case, Paige wants time alone with Brett. 

I didn't really get why Brett was suddenly into her. Maybe something Paige says later will make it all make sense. I was kind of dissapointed Paige dumped me so quickly, then again, she had been waiting for this day for like forever. One day on my own wasn't too bad. As long as it didn't become a habit.

I walk back to my locker and sit down and eat, "the next forty-five minutes is going to be boring," I think to myself.

I bit into my burger, and as I did someone sat down next to me. I look over surprised to see Garrett. "Hello, Baby." he says with a smirk. 

"Don't call me that," I say turning away from him. 

"Oh, why not?" he says trying to throw an arm over my shoulder.

I stand up, annoyed at the situation. "Cause, it's rude to call someone 'baby' if they aren't your girlfriend or whatever." 

He stands up as well, he hovers about  8 inches over me.

"That doesn't matter."

"Well, for me it does." He gives me a smirk. I look at him disgusted. I had never really had a guy flirt with me this much before; and I wasn't sure if I liked it. 

"You're a pervert," I said before walking away.

Author's Note: Comment and Vote! Please tell me what you think!!:)

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