13. Dinner with the family

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I quickly rush down the stairs where I can hear Mom and Dad in the kitchen. I know for a fact Kristina is in her room. I look over at my parents who are grinning at me then peek through the peep hole. I spot Garrett standing there, hands behind his back, and biting his lower lip. Before I step outside I hear my mother's voice, 

"If you want you can step outside to talk to him, alone, before he comes inside. Make it quick though."

I take a quick glance at her and nod my head. I open the door and quickly step outside, closing the door behind me. I look up at Garrett who is dressed in dark blue jeans with black combat boots. His black leather jacket is zipped up, hiding whatever lays underneath it. His face still has the scars and some dark eyes. Hopefully my parents would catch that the scars and dark eyes were from his home problem, and wouldn't ask about it. I don't know if he'd feel ready for that yet.

I smile at him as he looks down at me in confusion. "Is the dinner plan still on?"

I nod, "Oh, yeah!  I just wanted to talk to you alone for a minute. I highly doubt my parents will let us go upstairs alone together. Not on their watch." 

He smirks, "What do you want to talk about?"

I lick my lips and slowly meet his eyes, "I just wanted to ask you, uh, what are we exactly?" It had been on my mind while cleaning the house. I'm afraid that someone would call us a couple and he would turn that status down before I could talk to him.  I want to know what we are. What he wants.

His smirk drops from his face. He licks his lips and looks out to the street, then back to me. "Well, we're dating aren't we?"

I nod, "Yeah."

"Then we are two people who like each other and are dating." He puts emphasis on 'like'. I smile and nod my head again. I'm slightly hoping to be considered more. At least I think I am. This is all happening so fast. But, then again, I don't want to be titled his girlfriend on my front porch, in this situation. 

"Okay, well, let me introduce you to my parents." He nods and moves his hands around from behind his back, where they had been all this time. He holds a package of red roses. "Oh," I say as I look down at the flowers. "Are those-?"

"For your mom," he says answering my unfinished question.

I smile, "That's sweet."

He shrugs, "I figured she'd like them."

I nod, trying to hide my dissapointment that they aren't for me, and open the front door. We step in and Garrett closes the door behind us. I look over to my parents who still carry those small smiles on thier faces. "Garrett," I think to myself, "Prepare to meet my family." We walk into the kitchen and I pause, about to make the introductions.

"Mom, Dad, this is Garrett." pointing my hand towards him. "And this," I say as I turn to Garrett, "are my parents." I look back to my parents who still have small smiles on their faces. Jeez, they need to stop. It looks creepy. 

"Pleased to meet you," says my mother holding out a hand for him to shake. 

Garrett takes it and lightly shakes it. He turns to my dad. Dad nods his head in acknowledgment and outstretches his hand as well, 

"Nice to meet you, sir," Garrett says as he shakes it. "Oh, these are for you." Garrett hands Mom the flowers he has in his hand.

"Oh, how sweet!" says Mom as she accepts and sniffs them. I rub my lips together, looking between everyone. So far so good.

"Dinner is just about ready," says Mom as she puts the flowers on the counter and turns to stir a pot of mashed potatoes. 

"I'm going to go check on the steaks," says Dad as he walks to the back door. "Garrett, care to join?"

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