12. Secrets and Blood

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Author's Note: Hey ya'll! Okay, so I have a really beautiful song on the right and also a really attractive picture of sweet Garrett :) Enjoy! 

I look over at Garrett, he's staring straight ahead, occasionally wiping some blood away with his shirt. I look back to the road and turn a right onto my street. A few seconds later I pull into my driveway and turn off the car. There aren't any vehicles in the driveway, stating no one was home; unless one was hidden in the small garage. Garrett and I get out of the car.

"We can get you washed up inside," I say as I pull out my keys, headed to the front door.

"Why are you doing this?" I stop and look back at the shirtless Garrett. He hadn't moved, after stepping out of the car. He looks at me in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I try not to look down at his chest awkwardly.

"Why aren't you yelling at me for fighting?"

I shrug, "I don't like that you attacked him like that. But that was your choice, I'm not going to judge you for that. Now, come on." I start walking back to the front door.

"Are you parents home?"

I look back at Garrett. He still hasn't moved. "Not that I know of. If the garage is empty then, no, they aren't." he nods and looks at the ground, "Why?"

He smirks, "Walking into your house, after getting into a fight isn't exactly how I picture meeting your parents."

I nod, "Let me check." I unlock the door and step inside. I hurry to the door leading to the garage. I peak inside, it's empty. I rush back outside. "It's empty. No one is home."

He nods and enters the house. I watch as his shirtless form walks in and heads upstairs to my bathroom. I close the door and follow him. 

He's rinsing the blood off of his face at the sink. I grab a wash cloth and hand towel from the closet then walk over to him. I give him the hand towel to dry off his face and hands. I notice a few blood stains on his face and chest. I stretch my hand out towards the sink to turn the water on. I wet the cloth and turn back to him. 

"May I?" I ask holding up the rag.

"Sure." Garrett leans on the sink as I slowly wipe at his face, trying to remove the blood stains. I can feel his eyes on my face, but I don't meet them. When I finish with his face my eyes move down to his chest.  I look up at Garrett, a little embarrassed, and he smirks, "Go ahead."

I quickly rub at the spots on his buff chest, then set the rag down on the sink. "Finished."

He smirks, and grabs his shirt off the counter. "I better get on home."

I nod, "Okay." I follow him down the stairs. He opens the door, but before he walks out he turns to me. 

"Thanks," he says.

I give a small smile, "No problem." He leans closer and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "that all I get?"

He smirks, "Want more?" I blush, quickly realizing my mistake.

"No, thanks, I'll pass." He smiles at me. 

"Bye, Ruth." He turns and walks off to his bike, his shirt still in hand, leaving him shirtless.

"Shirtless," I think to myself. Man, he is very captivating.  

"Bye," I close the door, lock it, and head upstairs. I look at my phone, it's 6:57 pm. I sigh, what now?

I had had a small thought that maybe, just maybe, we could return to the party. But, obviously we couldn't. Garrett didn't have a shirt, that guy would probably pick a fight again, and well, Garrett had gone home. Not acknowledging any interest in returning. I trudge to my room and bounce onto my bed. I lay there for a minute, then get up and change into some pajamas.

I Want You Bad BoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora