11. The Party

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I walk up to the house, Garrett by my side. The song "Crank that Soldier Boy" is being played, blasting through the walls. I look up at Garrett, he looks over and smirks at me. I turn my attention to the approaching porch. People are standing on it, a drink in hand, talking. We pass them, headed to the door. The wooden door is wide open, so we step on in.

The house is brightly lit, thanks to the sunshine blaring through the windows. The living room has been turned into a dance floor, the furniture pressed up against the walls. A DJ, a teen probably from my school, was controlling the music in a corner of the room. A doorway to the left of the room seemed to lead into a kitchen, where drinks and food were stacked on an island. To the right was a glass sliding door, which led outside.

"Want a drink?" asks Garrett.

"Sure," I follow him to the kitchen.

I pick up a can of 7up, and open it. I take a sip as I watch Garrett grab a coke. A coke? I know I didn't want any alcohol...but there was plenty here. I though Garrett would be the kind to grab a beer or something.

"You don't want a beer?" I ask surprised.

He shakes his head. "My dad drinks, and I'm not going to be like him." 

"Oh, okay." That does make sense. 

"So, I caught site of a friend who's outside. Want to go meet him?"

"Sure," I say with a smile. Garrett loops his arm around my back and comes to rest a hand on my left hip. He leads me to the glass back doors.

I try not to look at his hand on my hip, it's different having it there. 

I step outside with Garrett. Garrett waves to a guy who's over by the pool. People are swimming in it. It's October, but we live down south in the United States, so the water tends to say fairly warm. 

"Hey, man," says a guy approaching us. He has dark curly brown hair, and wears blue swim trunks with a white wife beater shirt, showing off his really tanned and ripped muscles. There were mixes of fashion at the party.

"Hey," replies Garrett. He moves his arm off of me and gives his friend a man hug. 

When they finish his friend looks over and scans me with interest, "Who is this?"

Garrett smirks, "This is Ruth."

"Ah," says the friend. "My name is Chris." He stretches out his hand and I shake it.

"Nice to meet you."

"So," says Chris, "You two are together?"

I look to Garrett. What were we? Garrett obviously liked me or he wouldn't make so many moves, right? I like him...I've discovered that. 

"Not sure yet," replies Garrett. "Hopefully something." I watch as Garrett smirks and wiggles his eyebrows at Chris. Chris winks at him.

"I see." They both turn to look at me, I blush and look down. What do I say now?

Thankfully I don't have to, "There you are Chris!" I look up to see a girl walk towards Chris. She has light brown curly hair, and wears a simple light pink party dress with some black heels. The dress is low at the top, showing off unnecessary cleavage, and the dress stops about half way down her thigh. She reaches Chris and smashes her lips into his, her arms wrap around his neck as his hands trail down her back.

"Hello, to you too." he says, smiling, after pulling away.  She smirks and turns to us. 

"Hi," I speak up. She smiles.

"This, Babe," says Chris turning to us, "Is Garrett and Ruth. Garrett's an old friend."

"Hey," she says.

I Want You Bad BoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora