19. Meeting the Smith Family (part one)

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I make my way out of the gym. My teammates file past me, ready to leave the school building.

"Hey!" I look around and spot Paige making her way to me. She had changed back into the outfit she wore earlier. As a matter of fact we all had. Most of us were still sweaty due to the lack of showers. I needed to get home to shower, it wasn't worth waiting for an opening at the school.

"Hey," I say with a smile while pushing back a loose strand of hair.

"What are you doing tonight?" She asks.

"I'm going to be with Garrett. I get to meet his sister tonight, along with his dad!" I say, smiling.

She grins, "That's awesome!"

I nod, "Yeah. What are you doing tonight?"

She smiles so big her eyes become small slits on her face. "I'm going to be with Brett." She emphasizes his name and ends it with a giggle. "He's so amazing! He's been telling me everyday that I am beautiful without make-up. That I don't need to wear it."

I smile, "You've obviously listened to him, seeing you aren't wearing any."

She nods, "I love him."

I stop and raise my eyebrows, dead serious. "Love? No more of just a big crush, but love?"

She bites her bottom lip and smiles, her eyes give away she's in lala land. "Yes. I want to tell him."

I smile, "You should."

She nods, looking at me. I smile. She's in love? Paige doesn't just fall in love with anyone. She isn't the type of girl to say "she's in love" when she just has a crush. If she's really in love...well, that means it's about time I talk with this boy. Paige's cell phone goes off with a ring. I watch her as she digs around in her bag. She pulls out her phone and looks at the screen.

"It's Brett. I'll talk to you later?" she says with a smile.

"Sure. Have fun!" I say with a wave, walking towards the school's entrance. 

I walk through the empty hallways. The volleyball team and basketball team, that practice in the gyms after school, were already gone. The only sound I could hear was the tap of my converses on the school floor and the faint talk of the cheerleaders and football players outside. I pass a large window, light shines on me for a moment before I continue walking into a darker part of the school.

"Ruth," I jump, not expecting to hear a voice inside the empty school.  I look around and spot Garrett leaning against a wall.

"Oh, hey." I smile and walk over to him.

He smirks at me, "Did I scare you?"

I shrug it off, "Me?  No. I don't get scared. I'm tough!"

He raises his eyebrows. "Tough?"

I nod and flew my muscles, "I don't get scared."

"Challenge accepted."

I laugh, "I didn't give you a challenge."

"Well, I just made one. I will scare you one day."

"Good luck with that," I say with a wink.

He laughs and steps forward, grabbing my waist. "I don't need luck."

I smile, "Oh, yes you will." I stare into his blue eyes. He smirks and slowly pulls me into hug. I lean my head on his chest as he holds me. I smile to myself as I close my eyes. He plants a kiss on my head. 

"You stink," he says with a laugh.

I pull away, also laughing, "I just got out of volleyball practice. I'm sweaty. What do you expect?" 

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