22. The Breakup

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I open my eyes and glance around my dim room. I yawn and sit up, stretching as I do so. After exhaling, I try to decide whether I should get up or not. After remembering it's a school day, I decide to go ahead and rise. I climb out of bed and make my way to the bathroom. I stop to pop my back, before entering the bathroom.

I undress and hop in the shower. I patiently wait for the water to warm up, occasionally sticking out a hand to feel it. When it's warm enough, I move to stand underneath it. I let the water run down my body before leaning my head back, to soak my hair. I close my eyes, and that's when it hit me.

A flash of memories: Mr. Smith standing in his yard, pointing a gun at Garrett; Katie, crying as I was telling her to remain calm; The voice of the 911 agent on the phone; The blue lights of the police, zooming towards the Smith house; Kristina talking to me, in the car, as I slouched lower in my seat; My parents, as they ran to hug me; The look on my family's face as the news that I was not to see Garrett for awhile, sunk in.  

I open my eyes, gasping. I had forgotten about it all until now. The gun...police...Garrett. I gently wrap my arms around me. I can't see Garrett anymore. I have to break up with him today. Oh my gosh...

I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. "If it's God's will, we'll be back together one day," I tell myself. Another thought pops into my head, "But, what about not having him in your life right now? It's going to be so hard. He was becoming your best friend."

I shake my head. I can't have all of these thoughts and opinions running in my mind. I can't be freaking out about this. I c-can't.

My eyes land on a bar of soap in the corner of the tub. I put my focus on it, as I wash my hair. "Keep focusing on the soap," I tell myself. I know it's odd, but I'm obviously one to fret and over-think. I can't deal with it right now. I have to focus on something simple. 

I finish showering, and turn off the water. I grab my towel and wrap myself in it. I wipe a section of the fogged mirror, with my hand, and look at myself. I push my wet hair behind my ear and wipe some droplets of water off my forehead. I give myself a smile, then grab my toothbrush and start brushing my teeth.

After brushing my teeth I open the bathroom door, steam bursting out from the little room. I walk down the hall, to my room, still wrapped in my towel; my dirty clothes in hand. I shut my bedroom door and start to get dressed. 

I pick out some blue skinny jeans with a white top. I throw on some neon socks and slip some brown fur boots over them. I brush out my hair and put it up, holding it in place with a decorated clip. A few strands of hair wrap around my face, ending about an inch above my chin. I put some light make-up on before walking down the stairs.

Thoughts of Garrett still race through my head. But, I choose not to ponder on them, but to continue thinking of simple things. Like, what I will eat. One step at a time. 

I enter the kitchen, which is empty. I walk to the fridge and pull out some juice. I poor myself a glass and put the juice carton back in the fridge. I sip on it as I make some toast. I butter and jelly up my toast and sit at the island to eat it. I take a bite of it when I hear a knock on the door.

I look behind me at the door. I stare at it for a moment before getting up and heading towards it. I twist the silver hand nob and open the door to see Paige standing at the door.

"Hey girl!" She says with a smile. She walks past me, dropping her purse on the couch, and heading to the kitchen. "I'm a bit early. So, I figured I'd come in to get some water. I've been craving it like crazy!" She laughs at herself and prepares a glass of water.

I give her a small smile and sit back down at the island, finishing my toast. I eat in silence, watching her drain the water from the glass. She put the glass in the sink and turned to me with a smile, resting both hands on the island. We met each other's eyes, and her smile disappears.

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