4. The Date

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I walk down the stairs. Paige had opened the front door and Garrett was standing in the doorway. He was wearing the same outfit as earlier, as I near him I could smell his freshly sprayed cologne. 

"Hey, Ruth." he says giving me a smirk.

"Hey," I say trying to sound 'cool'.

"Well, I'll leave you to it. I'm going on home." says Paige grabbing her purse off the living room couch and walking out the door. "Have fun." 

I watch through the open door as she gets into her car and drives off before turning to Garrett. 

"So, what are the plans for tonight?"

"I was thinking of going to a party." he says with a grin.

"On a weekday?" I ask bewildered.

"Yeah," he says shrugging his shoulders, "why not?

"But we have school tomorrow."

He frowns at me, "fine we won't stay out late."

I ponder this for a moment. "We have to be back by nine."

"Okay, Mom." he said joking. 

I ignore his comment. "Let's go." I turn off the light and lock up the house. I walk down the driveway with Garrett before remembering we would be riding his Motorcycle. "Is that bike...dangerous?"

He looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "Why, you scared?"

"No!" I say quickly defending myself, "I just want to make sure it's practically safe."

"Practically safe?" he laughs. "I don't think motorcycles would be sold if they weren't safe. 


"I mean of course there is more of a risk when riding one than there is a car or truck, but it's still considered safe."

I nod my head, "okay."

He hands me a helmet, "put this on." I slide the helmet over my head. I watch as he throws his leg over the bike and gets adjusted. "swing your leg over."

I put a hand on his shoulder to help me keep my balance then swing a leg over the bike, sitting down behind him.

"So is this your first time on a street bike?" he asks looking back at me.

"No, but it's been a while."

"Why did you ask about the bike being dangerous if you've already ridden on one then?"

"I don't know. It's you and your bike."

He smirks at me, "So my stuff is automatically dangerous?"

"Yes," I state flatly.

He puts his helmet on, then starts the vehicle.We take off.  

We drove for a little while. At first I refuse to lay a hand on Garrett's shoulder; I feel too uncomfortable. But after him constantly making big swerves and zooming, I decide to rest my hands on his shoulders. I could feel his tense shoulders under my palms. I wonder why they were so tight.

The bike comes to a stop in front of a house that was obviously having a party. I can't believe so many people are out on a weekday. I'm about to swing myself off the bike when Garrett says, "hold on." and zooms off, away from the house. 

'What the heck', I think to myself. What happened to going to the party? I mean, I didn't care if we were at a party or not. I am truthfully not a big party person, but if that's where he said we're going why are we not going there? I try to get his attention to pull over or say something, I whack his arm and poke his back but he doesn't respond to either. 

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