18. Sunday

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I lean back against the leather seat in my Dad's Truck. It had been over two weeks since the whole sleeping in the park incident. My parents had forgiven Garrett and I, understanding that it was an accident. They did warn me about making sure I carry my phone at all time, though. I believe I hadn't answered my phone twice now, leaving my parents in worry. I had to change that.

I close my eyes, still tired from the night before. Garrett and I had gone out to eat. It had been our first date where we had gone to a restaurant, a nice restaurant. We talked, laughed, I had an amazing time! We have been getting closer to each other. I didn't know everything about him yet, but we were talking. 

We hadn't stayed out late. But when I got home I immediately called Paige to tell her every detail! I was up past midnight, making it hard to get up at seven this morning for church. Church is at nine.

"Honey, slow down." my mom says, grabbing at her seat, from the front.

"I'm not going any faster then the speed-limit." My dad replies, though I feel him tap the breaks.

"It sure feels like you are." says Mom. Dad just smiles and continues, on his way to church.

I look over to my left, at my sister. She was reading her bible. There is a class right after the morning service, she was probably studying for it; reviewing the story, and going over the things that didn't make sense and that she would ask the teacher.

I look down at my brown skirt for a few moments before straitening it out. Garrett is coming to church this morning, and I hope I look good enough for him. I had picked out a brown skirt, that flows down to my knees, and a white blouse. I have hot pink heels on, to make the outfit pop.

I pull my phone out from my purse and look at it. I had a text from Paige.

Hey, girl! I'll be @ church this morning. See ya! 

I smile and reply,

Okay, see you soon! Garrett is coming too!

It wasn't but ten seconds before my phone goes off with a buzz

YAY! How sweet. Driving, now.

I don't bother replying, knowing she won't respond. I put my phone back in my purse, making sure to turn it off, seeing that we are approaching the building. Dad parks the car and we get out. We walk towards the entrance.

I hear a bike motor and look behind me, scanning the parking lot for Garrett. I see him. I turn back to my family. "Garrett just pulled up. I'm going to wait for him."

They stop and look back at me. Dad nods, Mom says,"Okay, sweetie."  They turn and walk inside, Kristina behind them. I quickly walk over to Garrett's bike. I stop to take a look at him. He's dressed in dark blue jeans and a grey dress shirt. The slight breeze makes his black tie flop to the side. Black dress shoes are on his feet. I watch him take off his helmet.

"Hey," I say with a small smile. He turns to look at me.

"Why, hello there." I quickly walk towards him and pull him into a hug. He hugs back and plants a kiss on the top of my head. "You smell good."

I pull away to look at his face, "Thanks." I lightly laugh. "You look handsome."

"I always do." He winks at me. I smirk.

"You ready to go inside?"

He nods, "Yeah, let's go." He puts an arm around my waist as we walk into the building. 

We spot my parents through the crowd of people. I take Garrett's hand in mine and lead him though it, headed towards the front where my family sits. After Garrett says "hello" to the folks, we take a seat behind them. Kristina takes a glance back at us and winks. I just smile at her as I feel Garrett's arm snake behind me. He rests his hand against my shoulder. I try my hardest not to lean into him. After all, we are in church.

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