7. So confused

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After V-ball practice, Paige drives me home. She goes on about Brett the whole time, which I don't mind. It kept her talking so I could think of a way to get Garrett to tell me what happened to him. I know...I'm being persistent. But I want to know! And by the way...yes! I was paying attention to Paige talking about Brett. Okay, maybe I only caught half of what she was saying....but it was really everything I already knew about him. 

 I say good-bye to Paige, then walk towards my house. After opening the door I hurry upstairs to my room. I put my bag down, and fix myself up a bit. I hurry downstairs, preparing to leave the house and drive to Garrett's house. I don't exactly know where that is but I'd figure it out on the way. I grab the keys to my car and start to walk out the front door. I open the door and pause. Garrett's stands there. Hands in his blue jean pockets. 

"Hey," he says with a small grin.

"Hey," I reply as I look at his face. The swelling on his eye seemed to be going down.

"Um, can I come in?"

I watch him. He seems a little...nervous? "Yeah, sure." I step aside and let him step inside the house. He looks around the living room.

I close the door and watch him as he turns to face me. What do I say? I hadn't really had a plan to what I would say when I got to his house. Thankfully I don't have to start the conversation.

"About earlier..." He pauses, pulls out his hands from his pockets and runs his hands down his face. "Look, I really don't want to talk about what happened. But I'm okay."

Unsure of what to say I slowly nod my head and repeat his words, "You're okay."

"Yeah." He looks around, "Want to hang out?"

"Um, ye-yeah. Sure." Why was I stuttering?

He smirks at me. "Maybe in the bedroom?"

I glare at him. "Get out." I point to the front door.

"Okay, okay. Bad idea." he holds up his hands, surrendering. I don't stop the glare. "Maybe watch  TV?" I continue to glare. "We can sit on separate couches." I still glare. "Okay, I'll stand in another room."

I burst out laughing. I guess he wants to stay here. "Sure."

He laughs then stops, "So I have to stand in a whole other room....by myself?"

I shake my head, trying to contain my laughter. "No, just no more perverted jokes."

"Okay, and what about sitting on different couches?"

I shrug, "We can share one. Just, again, no pervertedness." 

He smirks, "Deal." 


Two hours later we are sitting on the couch, eating popcorn and watching  Bride Wars. 

"This movie sucks," he says shaking his head and looking at the TV in disgust.

I shrug, "Yah, but it's what's on."

"Can we do something else?"

"Like what? Is watching immature grown, hot, women fight not entertaining enough?"

"No, not really." he looks over at me with a frown.

"Yeah, same here." I turn the TV off.

I stare at the bricks on the fireplace. "What now?"

I look over at Garrett, who is reclining on the couch, looking at me with a smirk on his face. "I don't know," I respond slowly.

Garrett sits up, he is six inches away from my face. I stare into his blue eyes, he stares back into my brown ones. What is he doing? "Has anyone told you that you are beautiful?" I feel the heat rise to my cheeks. 

"Don't be perverted, Garrett." I whisper, trying not to look down at his lips.

"I'm not being perverted. I am just stating a fact. A lovely one at that." I watch as he slowly moves in, daring to put his lips on mine. Before his lips meet mine, I do something I'm sure Paige will get onto me about later. I slap Garrett's left cheek.

Garrett's head turns to the side and he reaches a hand up to caress his hurt cheek. "What the heck, Ruth?!"

I stand up. "I told you no pervertedness!"

"I wasn't being a pervert. I was trying to kiss a girl I though was beautiful! Anything wrong with that?" He stands up and looks me in the eye. 

I feel the heat rise on my cheeks. "No....wait yes!"

He looks at me with a confused look. "Why won't you let me kiss you?"

I don't totally know why I won't let him kiss me. I just don't want him to, I guess? Am I scared? I look at Garrett who now has a red cheek. "Garrett, I just don't want to kiss you. Not now." Did I say that last part? Did I seriously say that? Does that mean I want to kiss him? Heck, why is this so confusing?!

He shakes his head and looks at the ground. "You're something, Ruth. You know that?" I don't reply. "Thanks for the couple hours of fun. I'll see you around." And with that he walks past me, and walks out the door. He's gone. 

I moan. Crap.

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