23. Make-Over

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"Ruth, it's gonna be alright." Paige says, as she rubs my back.

I was laying on my bed, crying into my pillow. I hadn't stopped crying for a while now. Once I'd gotten home I ran upstairs and called Paige. She was here in five My parents weren't home yet and Kristinsa was gone. I finally sat up and faced Paige.

"You didn't see how angry he was with me. That look on his face. I put it there!" I fall back onto my pillows, staring up at my ceiling as tears continue to fall down my cheeks. He'd been so angry. He'd been so angry with me.

"Yeah, but he'll get over it. He's got a lot going on right now. Who knows? Even if you didn't break up with him, he could have snapped at you and had that same look on his face."

I shrug, "I don't know." She lays down beside me.

"I know it's depressing. But, you've been crying for thirty minutes straight. You need to smile or at least tell me exactly what happened."

I hadn't explained what happened to her yet. I was too afraid to put the image of his angry face back in my mind. But, I need to talk about it right? People say to talk about your problems, no matter how painful they are, right?

I nod, and tell her the past event. It didn't take too long, maybe five minutes. "I watched him ride off on his bike. I didn't say anything else. I didn't know what to say." I pause, then start breaking down in tears again.

Paige hugs me, "It will be alright." I hug her back, sobbing into her shoulder.

"I don't think it ever will."

"Yes it will! God is watching over you. He's got this under control."

I shrug, "I suppose."

"He does. Don't doubt Him." I let go of her and look into her eyes, tears still fall down my face,

"How can I make sure Garrett doesn't stay upset with me?"

She exhales and shakes her head, "I don't think there is anything you can do. It's him that gets to choose who he's mad at."

I nod, my lip trembling. "I don't want him to hate me forever. He'll never want me back. I need him to want me back."

"Ruth, you can't make things happen. God's in control of it all."

"But, I need to make sure I will get him again!" She just gives me frown and a shrug. That's when it hit me.

"I got it!"


I get off my bed and run to my closet. I open the doors and start to dig around inside. "I just have to make sure he wants me," I say over my shoulder. "If I show him something he wants, he won't hate me! He'll come back to me."

"Okay?" she says slowly. "And how do you plan to make him want you?" I look over at her and wink, then turn my attention back to my closet. "You can't dress like a slut, Ruth!" she screams, catching onto my idea.

"Not a slut!" I say with disgust, "But a hot babe."

"A hot babe? And how do you play that one without breaking the christian rules? We have to remember to respect guys. We don't want to put them in temptation. No cleavage showing or-"

"Yeah, yeah! I know," I say, waving a hand at her. "I'll keep to the rules. But, I'll also look good."

"Even if you get him to want you back, you won't be able to date him." 

"Well, I'll just make sure he keeps wanting me until we can date again." I smile. This was a brilliant plan, wasn't it? I mean, I know other people might not agree with what I'm doing. But, it's really innocent. 

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