006: strawberries and kisses

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm. While sitting up on my bed and staring at the wall in front of me for fifteen minutes, I thought about Theo and his words from last night. More specifically, the way he managed to make me feel dizzy even without so much as touching me. Shaking my head, I eventually got up from my bed to get ready for school.

I chose a white tennis skirt and paired it with a white shirt, on top of which I wore an oversized pastel blue sweater as my outfit for the day. Next, I wore a pair of knee high socks to match my skirt. If you ask me, dresses and skirts are my absolute favourites when it comes to clothes.

I then did a natural makeup on my face and sprayed my favourite perfume onto my neck and wrists. Grabbing my school backpack, I headed downstairs, but not before taking my headphones with me. I can not live without music. I don't particularly like to talk much with anyone and music always makes me feel complete.

The high school I go to isn't far from where I live. It's a fifteen minute walk. Adrien drops me off to school by car everyday on his way to college but I walk home on the way back. Even though I've got a licence and can drive pretty well, I only use the car when it is absolutely necessary.

When I entered the living room, I saw Adrien sitting on one of our couches, drinking coffee.

"Hey, morning," I greeted him, which he acknowledged with a simple nod.

"Theo has made breakfast. Have some and then we'll leave."

"Aren't you gonna eat?"

"I already did," he replied and then paused before continuing, "He is pretty good at cooking," Adrien said, sounding impressed and almost in... disbelief?

I don't say anything in return. I was surprised, too, last night. Is Theo a chef or something? Either way, I'm not complaining.

I went to the kitchen and sure enough I see Theo making waffles. He turned around when he sensed my arrival and flashed me a quick smile. His eyes seemed to travel down the length of my body and a wider smile stretched onto his lips. He then bit onto his bottom lip and shook his head slightly.

"Good morning, Princess," he greeted with a teasing tone.

The sound of Theo's silky smooth voice paired with the way he looked at me caused a warmth to spread across my cheeks. I took a seat on one of the bar stools of our kitchen counter and avoided eye contact with him until he turned back around to what he was doing.

After a while he placed a plate right in front of me, stacked with waffles along with strawberries and whipped cream. This guy has been here for four days and I feel like he is already spoiling me with his incredible cooking.

I muttered a small "thanks" to him and started digging into my food. But it felt a little awkward being the only person to be eating in the room. So, I ended up asking him: "Aren't you going to eat?"

"I'll eat later," Theo said with a shrug. He folded his arms on top of the counter to lean as he watched me eat. "How does it taste, by the way?"

"Not bad."

He chuckled at my response as if already knowing what I was going to say, and slowly repeated it himself. "Not bad."

He leaned forward onto the counter in front of me, his face mere inches away from mine, and grabbed a strawberry from my plate and plopped it into his mouth, all the while holding eye contact with me.

"Sweet," he commented, voice just above a whisper and I think I saw his eyes momentarily flick down to my lips.

The air around us was growing thicker by the second. We were both staring into each other's eyes for what felt like forever. I wanted to say something back, a sarcastic comment of disapproval, or anything at all. But I couldn't. I just stared into his pretty blue eyes and he, too, held my gaze. Almost daring me to back up first.

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