016: funny feelings

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Theo's POV

Adrien is currently beating up some guy that dared to lay a hand on his sister and I have no choice but to stand back and watch, reminding myself that I have to take care of my Princess, first. I already ignored her attempt at trying to get me to stop her brother, until her sweet voice catches my attention once again.

"I thought you hated me," Amy mumbles into my shirt and looks up at me.

Her eyes are glazed over and I'm holding her close to prevent her from going near them. It pains me to see her like this and at the same time, my heart is thumping so loudly in my chest that I think it will leap out of my body any moment now.

This is the second time I'm holding her so close to me. Close enough for me to search for the small details of her face that I have come to like. Close enough for me to get a whiff of her scent that drives me crazy. And if I could, I would hold her like this forever and never let her go.

It was a little after eleven at night. I was watching the TV in the living room when Adrien came rushing down the stairs, frantically looking for his car keys while he was on a call. Turned out it was Amy's friend on the line, saying that she was drunk and no one was in a condition to drop her home.

I didn't take her for a person who would get wasted at a party. But, hey, who am I to judge? I have had my fair share of experiences with alcohol. So, when Adrien was about to go and get his sister back, I immediately piped in to come with. Good thing he didn't object or I would have lost my fucking mind.

On our way to this place, my mind was filled with all sorts of worries. I kept thinking about all the things that could go wrong or might be happening to my Princess. I wanted to drive myself but I knew that wouldn't be the best decision because I sure as hell wouldn't be caring about the traffic rules when Amy is concerned. Adrien seemed on edge throughout the ride, too.

Upon reaching here, we had immediately started to look for Amy. The house was mostly packed with people and almost all of them looked either high or drunk. Probably both. I had forgotten what highschool parties used to be like.

When I spotted Amy, I immediately breathed a sigh of relief. But it was soon replaced with anger when I noticed an arm wrapped around her waist. I would have been jealous at the sight, if it weren't for the fact that she looked uncomfortable and clearly didn't want to go with the guy wherever he was taking her.

Hot liquid anger coursed through my veins as I saw the guy dragging my Princess along with him, against her will. She tried to get away from his hold and I was about ready to pounce on the guy at the same time, but Adrien beat me to it.

I took the opportunity to hold back Amy who was trying to stop her brother. If it were me, the boy would have been dead by now. He deserves all the blows thrown his way and more. How dare he to force her like that? Just the thought of what might have happened to Amy if we were a minute late in arriving here is enough to make my blood run cold. And where the fuck are her friends? They left her all alone in a situation like this?

The sight of her trembling lips and teary eyes looking up at me makes me want to hurt the person that is responsible for reducing her to a state like this.

Before I realise what I'm doing, I raise my hand and cup her face with my palm. She leans into my touch immediately at the rare show of affection. Her teary eyes are tugging at something inside my heart.

"I could never hate you, Princess," I whisper softly to her, hoping she would see the truth in my eyes. I hate to see her like this. I want to kiss away her tears and take her mind off of anything troubling her.

I can't believe she would even think that I could ever hate her. The past week had been a pure torture for me, trying to ignore Amy.

I clearly remember the first time I saw her. I was picked up from the airport that day by Adrien in the afternoon. Later that evening, I was roaming in the house, taking my new surroundings in. That's when I stumbled upon her.

𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 [𝟏𝟖+]Where stories live. Discover now