024: a game

853 65 26

[warning: slight nsfw content ahead]

I work on my assignment silently as Lana Del Rey's playlist plays through my headphones. My bedroom is dark except for the desk lamp that I've kept on. My back is starting to hurt from sitting upright on the chair for too long. The desk in front of me looks quite messy from all the scattered books and stationery. I always tend to make a mess when I'm stressed out.

A pair of hands land on my shoulders and I jump slightly. But then I relax when Theo's familiar scent of body wash surrounds me. He carefully takes the headphones off of me and sets it in front of me on top of my notebook.

"You need to get some rest now," Theo says softly and kisses the top of my head. "It's about to be two."

My eyes find the small digital clock on the nightstand and it displays the time as 1:48 AM. I sigh heavily to myself and Theo rubs my shoulders tenderly. I close my eyes and feel the tension slowly leaving my stiff body.

'This feels oddly domestic,' I find myself thinking.

"Everything good?" Theo asks. "Is there anything I can do to help you?"

"Yeah, I'm good." I pause before quietly adding, "You don't have to do anything."

I was so focused on distracting myself to not think about what Sarah said today, that I overworked myself. Anytime I sat idle, Sarah's words came rushing back to me. And the way Noah looked at me, crushed my heart all over again.

"You don't look good," Theo accuses and I hate the fact that he can read me so well.

But I don't want him to know what's on my mind. I can't let him know. This is all my fault and it's my mess. I need to handle it myself. I've been wanting to text Noah all evening but then I decided against it. Texting him didn't sound like the best idea. I should talk to him in person.

I look at the door to my bedroom and find it slightly ajar. Theo walks over to my bed and sits down on it, making himself comfortable. I watch him with a small smile playing on my lips.

"When are you going to learn to knock before entering?" I tease him while he takes in my room.

"And miss the chance to accidentally find you naked in here?" He smirks when he faces me again. "I don't think so."

He gives me his beautiful smile which reveals the dimple on his left cheek. I shake my head with a laugh and turn back to the work in front of me.

I love how Theo remembers the small details about me, about our conversations. He always returns my words back at me and it swells my heart with happiness. He shows that he cares in subtle ways like these, and it ends up in me feeling special.

Theo speaks up again after a few minutes go by. "Princess, it's getting late."

"I know, I know. Just— a few more minutes and I'll be done." I turn to look at him and give him an assuring smile. "No need to worry about me."

"Come here," Theo says, ignoring what I just said.

"What?" I give him a confused look and furrow my eyebrows.

"Come here." He pats the space next to him on the bed. "I'm not leaving until I tuck you in."

'You don't have to leave at all...'

I like Theo's presence in my room. Adrien must be asleep already and if I lock the door from the inside, my brother wouldn't find out if Theo were to spend the night with me and leave in the morning.

I chew on the inside of my cheeks and contemplate for a while on what to tell Theo. My work is almost done, anyway. I could easily finish it in the morning. The assignment isn't even due for two more days.

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