022: attention

970 84 21

I roll onto my side and extend my arm, expecting to feel a certain someone lying next to me. When I am met with nothing but the cold bedsheet, I furrow my brows and pat the space in front of me, all the while I struggle to open my eyes. When I still couldn't find Theo, I slowly blink open my eyes and rub them to get rid of the remaining sleep. A sense of slight panic fills me and I immediately sit up on the bed.

I look around the room frantically and it takes me a good minute to realise that I'm not in Theo's room, but mine, instead. It confuses me all the more because I perfectly remember falling asleep with him in his room last night. Maybe he brought me back to my bedroom this morning. Yeah, that is the only possible explanation.

I look down at my clothing and notice that I'm still wearing his t-shirt. It immediately causes a small smile to bloom on my face. I lift up the piece of clothing towards my nose and inhale the scent which reminds me of Theo. My heart flutters at the memory of last night.

Hugging the t-shirt closer to my form, I think about the way Theo treated me last night. It is funny to think how he changed from a total flirt that liked to tease me any chance he got, to this sweet and caring person that didn't want to push my boundaries. The way he looked at me, the way he talked to me, everything made me feel so safe with him. Even though, I have only known him for about four weeks now.

I kind of want to go back to Theo's room and snuggle up to him again. Because I already miss the way he held me so tenderly. The way his warmth was all that surrounded me. God, I miss him already. He is most probably downstairs currently, making breakfast. Another thing that I've come to like about Theo: his incredible cooking skills.

The idea of meeting him downstairs for breakfast motivates me to get freshened up quickly. Just the thought of him is enough to bring a smile onto my face and for my heartbeat to quicken in excitement.

'Yep, I am definitely catching feelings for Theo.'

I drag my hands down my face and groan to myself. This was not supposed to happen. I was not supposed to develop a crush on the son of my Dad's friend. I thought I was going to avoid him and his stupid handsome face! So, how did I go from finding him so annoying to thinking about him all the time?


I happily descend down the stairs, excited at the thought of seeing Theo, while humming a tune to myself. I put extra effort in getting ready this morning to look presentable for him, dressing in my favourite yellow sundress. I don't know what his favourite colour is, and come to think of it, I don't know a lot of things about him.

But I'll try to get to know him better. We are living together, after all. Even if it's only for a while. But I try not to think about that for now and dampen my mood.

I enter into our kitchen in hopes of finding Theo there, since most of the time he can be found cooking something new. But when I don't find him in the kitchen, I frown to myself and move towards the living room, next. But still no sight of Theo.

'Huh? That's weird. Is he out?' I think to myself, as I walk towards our garden to look for him.

Sliding open the back door, I get outside and into the garden. The place looks rather unattended and that's because Dad does all the gardening. He always takes care of his flowers, and plants new trees in his free time. And now that he is away on his trip, the plants look rather dull. There are a few dry leaves scattered onto the grass and the plants are in desperate need of watering. I think I watered them five days ago and forgot about them since.

I feel bad about my negligence and mentally make a note to tend to them later. Dad would be upset when he gets back and sees this. Just as I was about to go back inside the house, I hear a deep voice right next to my ear.

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