011: trouble

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"Why do we have to sit at the very front?" I ask to Sarah as we make our way through the crowd.

"So that Noah could easily see you. Duh," she replies to me as if I asked the most stupid question. "Don't you want your boyfriend to win? I'm sure seeing you cheering for him would bring him good luck." My best friend replies, linking our arms together. "And it's against our rival school today. So we have to cheer. Now, come on."

"He is not my boyfriend and I'm not shouting at the top of my lungs for some stupid game," I say, rolling my eyes, after we sit down together at the front in the bleachers.

"Not yet, that is. But then again, friends don't give each other hickies," she says wiggling her brows at me.

"Sarah!" I whisper shout at her. "I told you not to bring that up."

"Oops. I must've forgotten about that." She raises her arms in mock surrender and giggles. She looks forward then and motions for me to follow her line of sight. "Look at all those girls shouting Noah's name to get his attention. Doesn't that make you jealous?"

I furrow my brows at her question. "No, why would that make me jealous?" There is indeed a flock of girls, other than the cheerleaders, that are shouting and chanting his name. Some have even painted the blue and white logo on their face. Are all school games taken this seriously? Then again, I wouldn't know because this is my first time coming to view a match. And that is to blame Sarah for dragging me out here.

"They are just cheering for their captain and his team. Obviously they are not going to cheer for the rival team." I huff at her for trying to get a reaction out of me.

Noah's eyes meet mine from the field and he immediately waves at me. When I wave back at him, he grins wide before turning back to his teammates.

"See? All those girls but he only has eyes for you. If that isn't love I don't know what is." Sarah sighs dreamily.

"Love?" I nearly choke at her words. "Sarah, you are thinking way too much into things."

Why do I have a feeling that she is now going to tease me about it for days to come? God, I hate this already. Now she's never going to let it go thinking Noah and I are more than friends. But how can I admit to her that it wasn't Noah who left the mark? I dug my own grave.

"Am I though?"

"Yes." I grit out my answer and then try to change the topic when I say, "The game is about to start. Where's Alex?"

"He went to get me water. He'll be back soon."

Just then Alex comes with two water bottles and sits next to his girlfriend. Sarah thanks him and pecks his lips quickly. I avert my eyes from them and look to the front. The match starts soon after and everyone begins to cheer.


The four of us are gathered in a fast food diner after school ended to celebrate Noah's win. He promised to throw a party later this week to properly celebrate his team's win. I'm not the most thrilled for the upcoming party. Sarah, however, can't wait for the day to arrive sooner. Typical of her.

A young waiter arrives at our table and we place our orders.

"You played really well today," I say to Noah for the first time this evening since our conversation about the game started. And I mean it. Both teams played really well and it was almost impossible to predict the outcome. But at the very last moment our team scored and won the match.

"Thanks," he replies with a smile on his face.

I return his smile and Sarah clears her throat from across the booth.

"As much as I love to see you guys exchange shy smiles and all, I would really appreciate it more if you guys don't start eye undressing each other," Sarah says with an innocent smile even though her eyes are anything but innocent.

"Babe," Alex interjects from beside her while my eyes widen at her comment.

'I am going to strangle her one day.'

"What? It's not like I'm lying," she says with a shrug. "Didn't you see the way Noah looked at Amy everytime he scored a goal?"

Noah looks away flustered whereas I'm left completely speechless. Does she not know when to shut up? Or is she deliberately trying to make things awkward between us?

"Oh, and by the way, Noah. Try to be more discreet next time. Or else my bestie will land in trouble if her brother finds out, you know." Sarah says with a very serious look on her face.

Alex immediately makes a face of confusion. "Why? What happened?" He directs the question to Sarah.

This can't be happening right now. She did not just say that to Noah. Oh, God. I want to be swallowed whole by the earth. It is taking everything in me to not bang my head on the table. Better yet, reach across the table and bang Sarah's head instead.

"Huh? What trouble?" Noah asks, looking equally confused. He then turns to me and asks, "What is she talking about, Amy? And what about your brother?"

"Oh, um, it's nothing." I say, forcing out a laugh. "It's just that my older brother is a bit protective of me."

"But what did she mean by next–"

Noah shuts up when our waiter returns with the food and places it on the table between us. "Here's your food. Enjoy." The waiter gives us a well rehearsed smile and leaves our table.

I mentally thank God for saving my arse and avoid looking at Noah at all costs as we dig into our food. I know he is still not convinced but I hope he doesn't bring it up. I glare at Sarah sitting across from me, who just looks confused at my reaction. Seriously? After all the warnings I gave her and she still goes bringing up the matter I asked her not to! I can't believe I call her my best friend.


After eating, we hung out at the place some more and chatted. Every once in a while Noah would turn to me looking like he wanted to ask something, but then decided against it everytime. He then offered to drop me home since it was getting late. I tried to deny him but he was persistent.

"So, this is me." I say when we reach my home.

"Right," Noah replies looking at the house behind me.

"I should get inside now."

"Yeah, right." He says nodding to himself. "Will I see you tomorrow?"

"Sure, yeah." I smile up at him. "And sorry you had to drop me off. Now you'll have to detour."

"It's no problem at all," he replies quietly.

He suddenly takes a step forward towards me. Then another. I watch as Noah tucks a strand of my brown hair behind my ear and stares into my eyes for a while without saying anything. My breath hitches in my throat as he leans forward and kisses me on the forehead softly.

"Good night, Amy." He whispers against my skin and steps back.

I am too shocked to register that this actually happened. Noah kissed me a second time. I don't know what to do or say. My lips part but no words come out. I look up at meet Noah's eyes, who is looking at me expectantly.

"Good night, Noah." I finally manage to say with a tight lipped smile.

He nods once with a smile playing on his lips and I watch as he turns around to leave. I stare at his retreating form until I can no longer see him. Releasing the breath that I had been holding, I turn around to enter into the house when my breath gets caught in my throat for the second time this night.

The front door of the house is wide open with Theo standing in front of it. He has his arms crossed in front of his chest and staring at me with a cold expression on his face. He clenches his jaw and enters back into the house without sparing me another glance.

'You've got to be kidding me.'


A/N: are you 'Team Theo' or 'Team Noah'? Comment your answer :)

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