018: surprise

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I wrap a clean towel around my body after the shower and walk out of the bathroom. It is supposedly the 'date' night and I am freaking out. My feelings are all over the place and my thoughts aren't very helpful, either. I still don't know how this evening is going to end. Well, the date to be more specific.

Although, technically, it isn't a date anymore. I don't know how Sarah talked Noah out of it, but all four of us are going to be meeting up tonight, and not as a double date. But that's good because she cleared the mess she created. So, I don't have to worry about giving Noah an answer...yet. But I am still not at ease because we are going to a club tonight. That's even worse than a party!

I just don't understand why it couldn't have been some other place. Are we even allowed to go to a club? We are, however, all eighteen. 'Well, not all of us,' I quickly correct myself. Sarah is yet to turn eighteen. So, does that mean it is okay for us to go to a club now? Sarah said Alex knows the bouncer and hence, it should be fine. Whatever it's gonna be, I know for a fact that I'm not going anywhere near the drinks. Think I've learnt my lesson well enough.

I walk towards my walk-in closet and look through my clothes to pick an outfit for tonight. I will let Adrien know that I'm going out with friends and that Sarah will be there, too. After a while of rummaging, I finally settle on a dark green silk dress which I had almost forgotten I owned. It looks shorter than I remembered and reaches upto my mid thighs. Oh, well. It will have to do for tonight.


Before we enter into the building, I take a hold of Noah's hand and grab onto it tightly. He looks down at me and sends me a warm smile that puts me at ease. I am trying not to show it, but I'm really freaking out internally. I have never stepped foot into a club before, let alone be used to the environment inside it.

The place inside is dark. Almost as dark as the night outside with the occasional neon lights flashing here and there randomly. I see some people sitting by the drinks counter and having drinks, while the bartender performs various tricks. Some others are dancing on the dance floor. There are a few dark leather couches pushed against the wall in the room.

Most people here look older than us and some even appear intimidating to me. Music is playing loudly from the speakers and I can distinctly make out the figure of the DJ on the balcony upstairs. There's also some partitions that are blocking the view behind it, and other smaller rooms that are indicated through bright neon pink signs. The staircase must be leading to more private rooms upstairs.

I clutch onto Noah's hand a bit tighter subconsciously because deep down I'm afraid that I might get lost in the dark, in this crowd of people, if I let go of his hand. Noah squeezes my hand in reassurance and leads the way. Sarah and Alex are following us closely from behind.

"Did I say how pretty you look tonight?" Noah whispers, his mouth close to my ear so I could hear him.

"You did. A couple of times, actually." I can't help the giggle that escapes past my lips.

"I did?" Noah looks at me innocently and I have to suppress a grin. He tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear and says, "Then I must have forgotten about it."

An embarassing blush creeps onto my neck and face and I avert my eyes from his to look at our other friends. Sarah gives me a teasing look which makes me frown.

A random guy gets really close to where I am standing and Noah puts his arm around me protectively and pulls me closer to him. I don't know how to explain it, but it makes me feel... nice.

"Let's have some shots, yeah?" Alex proposes after a while.

"I'm down," Sarah immediately replies, swaying to the beat of the music.

After a couple of shots of Shirley Temple (because I didn't want to try alcoholic drinks), Sarah takes group selfies of us, and some with just her and Alex. She then makes Noah hold me close to him so she could take a 'cute' photo for her Instagram story. One of these days I'll be found strangling my best friend.

Noah doesn't seem to mind it much. He effortlessly pulls me towards him and throws his arm around my waist. I have no choice but to go along with it. I smile at the camera and lean my head towards Noah's chest until Sarah is satisfied with the photos.

When that is over, Sarah pulls Alex onto the dancefloor. She starts to dance quite freely, which then turns into her grinding against her boyfriend while throwing her hands back to hold onto his neck. Someone is clearly enjoying their time here.

"Do you want to play a game?" Noah asks to me out of the blue.

"A game? In here?" I ask, feeling intrigued.

"Yeah, the game of guessing whether the couples dancing are dating or siblings."

"Siblings?" I nearly choke on the drink I'm nursing. "Why would there be any siblings grinding against each other?" I make a face of disgust.

Noah simply laughs at my reaction. "You'd be surprised," he says in an amused tone. "Or we could do something else. You can decide."

"Okay..." I scan the faces of people as I think of something interesting to keep us engaged. I then notice a girl and nod my head towards her direction and ask, "How old do you think she is?"

Noah takes a good look at her and shakes his head. "Shit, I can never tell the age because of makeup. She looks like she could be sixteen and thirty six at the same time."

His reply is genuinely funny and I throw my head back and burst out in laughter. Noah looks pleased at my reaction and then continues to say more as if it wasn't intentional.

"Why are you laughing at me?" Noah pouts and puts a hand over his chest, as if hurt. "I seriously think it's a great skill you girls have." He then leans closer to say into my ear, "Although, you look pretty always. Makeup or not."

His hot breath tickles the side of my neck and I squirm away from him, laughing. Noah pulls me back towards him by the hand that is around my waist. "I just complimented you and you're laughing at me. Wow, Amy."

"No, no, that's not it," I say, still laughing.

"How do I know you are not lying?" Noah tries to sound serious but the grin on his face betrays him.

"You know I'm not lying," I say, rolling my eyes at him playfully and hit him on his chest lightly.

'Noah is nice,' I think to myself with a fond smile playing on my lips and remember Sarah's words from earlier. I then immediately look for her but instead, my eyes land onto someone else that gives me a pause. He has his back turned to me but I could easily recognise him from miles away. And when he turns his head, his icy blue eyes only confirm my thoughts.

From where I'm standing, next to Noah, I can see him wearing a black leather jacket and equally black jeans. There are a few people surrounding him and they all seem to know each other, for they are drinking and chatting together, occasionally sharing a few laughs. I wonder how long he has been here and if he has seen me already. The thought alone makes me freeze.

Noah must have noticed me becoming rigid in his arms because he asks, "Hey, you okay there?"

I reluctantly pull my eyes away from his back and look up at Noah. "Yeah, um, I'm good." I swallow down my nervousness and speak up again, "I have to use the restroom. I'll be back soon."


A/N: you guys are not ready for the next chapter. Or maybe you are ;) Comment on what you think happens in the next chapter, and like always, don't forget to leave a vote (⁠☆).

P.S. I have decided to post two updates a week from January onwards since many of you have been requesting me the same. I still haven't decided on the days on which I'll post. One will be Friday and the other could be either Tuesday or Wednesday. I'll update the schedule in my 'About' section once I've made up my mind.

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