Day 21

37 8 2

Leia's storytelling
Today's event for Serendipity starts late than usual. Master messages Leia at 6pm, which is she has just ended her class.

Master :
Participant Jung Leia!
Today we'll be having a "King and Queens of Hearts" event!
Each participant will be given 5 questions to answer
Please choose the participant that suits the answer the most and give them the heart!
Whoever receives the most heart will be nominated as the "King/Queen of Hearts"!
The one who has been chosen as the "King/Queen of Hearts" will be given a special mission
Please choose your King of Hearts wisely!

We'll start now

Jung Leia :

Master :
The first question :
Who were you most attracted to based on the first attraction?
Please state a reason

Jung Leia :
Kim Jibeom
He's pretty good-looking

Master :
You've completed your first question

The second question :
From the participants, who do you think would go to the depths of the earth to achieve a relationship with the people they want?
Please state a reason

Jung Leia :
I think...
Bong Jaehyun?
He's pretty hardworking to achieve his goals. From what I can see, he's a romanticist and he's not a person to give up really easily

Master :
You've completed your second question

The third question :
From the participants, who do you think would've had the most dating relationship in the past?
Please state a reason

Jung Leia :
I think.. Hong Joochan?
He gets along with people very easily

Master :
You've completed your third question

The fourth question :
From the participants, who do you think would progress the quickest in physical affection?
Please state a reason?

Jung Leia :
Kim Donghyun
He seems a person who will show his love from physical affection

Master :
You've completed your fourth question

The last question :
From the participants, if they were to date, who do you think would maintain the longest relationship?
Please state a reason

Jung Leia :
Kim Jibeom
No doubt
He's loyal. I bet everyone can see that from his love to his late wife :)

Master :
You've completed all questions
Results are being calculated now

* * *

Master opens the group chatroom to reveal the results.

Master :
Result calculations are now complete
Before the result of "King/Queen of Hearts", you can use this time freely now

Hong Joochan :
I feel weird today
The questions are so mean

Kim Donghyun :
Same here

Jung Leia :
Me too

Bong Jaehyun :
It's all in motion already
But there were too few questions

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