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There was something about kissing and telling that didn't quite sit well with Kate– even if was a mistake kiss and the kiss-er was, not strangely, good at it.

Kate shook her head as she walked. Where were all those thoughts coming from?

So even now, about a week after the mistake kiss at the party and just two days after the almost-kiss at the library, Noelle still wanted to know every detail.

"You just have to tell me" Noelle pushed on. "Is he a really good kisser? Is he a tongue guy? Did he touch?" She scoffed as she looked at Kate. "Of course, he touched you, you're a gorgeous bitch"

Kate frowned and walked ahead towards the cafe. They were both done with their classes early and didn't have any other thing to do, so decided to help Miss Jen before their shift at the bar.

"Kat" Noelle whined and met up with her.

"You practically flared up when I told you about that stuff and now you want details?" She turned to her in disbelief.

"Of course, I'll flare up. I'm your bestest bitch, I'm meant to flare up"

She ignored her and walked into the cafe. If Noelle knew even the slightest bit why Damien wasn't at the Friday party, she wouldn't hear the end of it.

Kate paused once she got inside, making Noelle bump into her.

"Girl, what the..." She trailed off, following Kate's line of sight and...

Oh hell, no.

Sitting at a table and a very happy Miss Jen attending to them were Damien, Dylan, Trey, two girls Kate couldn't recognize, and... Brianna.

Brianna's eyes met hers and a smug look appeared on her face as she leaned on Damien.

She was doing that thing again. Kate could feel her blood boiling. Why exactly Brianna was looking at her that way? She didn't know but she didn't like it.

"I think she needs you to hit her again" Noelle called from beside her.

Kate decided to ignore them and headed to the counter. She was about to put on an apron when someone snatched it from her. She turned to be faced with Miss Jen's not-so-happy face.


"Noelle" Miss Jen called instead. "I thought I told you not to bring Kate here any time she was off work. This girl is a mad workaholic"

Kate gasped dramatically, "No, I'm not"

"She totally is" Noelle agreed. "But we didn't come here to work"

Miss Jen turned to Noelle questionably.

Kate turned to her with the same expression.

As if realizing, Miss Jen smiled. "Oh, I see. You came for your little boyfriend over there" she pointed at the table across.



Noelle and Kate said at once. Kate sent Noelle a glare.

"I knew you liked him. I just don't understand why you refused his kiss"

"Oh, Miss Jen, funny story, they actually -ouch"

Kate pinched Noelle before she could get another word out.

"You better go get him, Katie" Miss Jen said as she got more orders from the show glass. "That girl keeps trying to shove her balloons in his face"

"Tell me about it" Noelle scoffed, glaring at Brianna.

"We should leave, Elle," Kate said once Miss Jen was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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