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NAME : Aiden Walker Lantsov
NAME MEANING : Little fire
AGE : 20
GENDER & SEXUALITY : Male & Bisexual (male lean)
PERSONALITY : Aiden is a good guy, truly. He's a very kind, caring and selfless man. Although he grew up rich with everything handed to him, he isn't one to flaunt that fact. In fact, he strives very much away from his inheritance. He doesn't believe he is above or below anyone, no matter their social and economic class. He gives to those in need and never keeps for himself. He's a real sweetheart, always caring more about those than himself. Aiden tends to look out for his big brother, more than the other way around, but he doesn't mind all that much. After all, family is everything to him. He's got a rather creative imagination and a head bursting with ideas all the time, hence his love to write. Aiden can be a shit at times. He's got a lot of snark in him and can retort witty comebacks to roll off of his tongue like they're nothing. Truthfully, he's just a giant goofball. Although he's a gentle soul, don't underestimate his ability to defend. Boxing became a stress outlet for him after the accident, and he constantly trained and pushed himself to the edge each and every day to get good at it. Not only that, but he is a ruthless hunter, and will take out anything that stands in his way. His brother, boyfriend and extended family are the only ones of his utmost concern all the time.
- Boxing
- Writing
- Pranking
- His past
- Research
- Rich people
- Hunting
- Weaponry
- Mechanics
FACECLAIM : Young Jensen Ackles

LIKES :- Boxing- Writing- PrankingDISLIKES :- His past- Research- Rich peopleMEDICAL CONDITIONS : PTSDPOWERS/SKILLS :- Hunting- Weaponry- MechanicsFACECLAIM : Young Jensen Ackles

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CRUSH : Gabriel

PARENTS :- Boston Lantsov (father, deceased)- Elisa Lantsov (mother, deceased)SIBLINGS :- Juliet Lantsov (older sister, deceased)• FC : Sela Ward- Logan Lantsov (older brother, alive)• FC : Ben Barnes- Levi Lantsov (younger brother, deceased)• FC ...

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- Boston Lantsov (father, deceased)
- Elisa Lantsov (mother, deceased)
- Juliet Lantsov (older sister, deceased)
• FC : Sela Ward
- Logan Lantsov (older brother, alive)
• FC : Ben Barnes
- Levi Lantsov (younger brother, deceased)
• FC : Charlie Cox
- Terra Lantsov (younger sister, deceased)
• FC : Cailey Presley Fleming
- The Winchesters
- Bobby Singer
- A few angels
- Ellen & Jo
BACKSTORY : For the majority of his childhood, Aiden never knew poverty. He was very fortunate to have come from a rich family. His mother and father had their own company, in which Juliet and Logan worked for when they got older. Aiden was given everything he could have ever wanted as a child, considering they had an endless supply of money. Though, more importantly than physical objects, he was given his parents' love. Despite being the middle child, he never felt revoked of that, in which he was very fortunate. The rest of his life was pretty normal. He attended a private all boys school, but was never shy of girl drama from Juliet. But life quickly went south when he turned 13. One day, Aiden was left in charge of Levi ( 8 ) and Terra ( 3 ) and he had a lot of housework to do. Levi and Terra had already finished up all their chores, and wanted to go up by the train tracks. Aiden figured that they would be okay and let them go off. Only about an hour later was he met with screams. He rushed out to the tracks and found that his brother and sister had accidentally gotten hit, and were killed. Their funeral was a few weeks later, and it was extremely hard for the family. But tragedy had not struck its last chord yet. A few weeks later, Boston, Elisa, Juliet and Logan went on a hunt. Though, what should've been a simple salt and burn turned into a mess. Boston, Elisa and Juliet were killed, and Logan, severely injured. He managed to get back home to Aiden, and that was the first time that Aiden learned how to do any sort of medical procedure. From there, life was never the same. Logan became an avid drinker and drug user, and Aiden constantly struggled in school. He did his best to keep his brother off of the path of drugs, not wanting to lose the only living family he had left. Fortunately, Aiden was able to help Logan get back on track, but instead of drugs and alcohol being his focus, it turned to sex. But that didn't mean Logan missed any important events of Aidens, such as his graduation. However, on Aidens 19th birthday, Logan took him out drinking for the first time, despite being underage. It was at Jo and Ellen's bar. The two boys were in there a lot, drinking their lives away. Ellen got worried and wound up calling Bobby, who had actually known their parents. Bobby was able to take the boys under his wing and introduce them to the winchesters, and a healthier lifestyle with a redemption of family. Life got better, but Aiden never stopped blaming himself for his family's misfortune. From the time he was 13, he would go out to pray at the train tracks that his siblings were killed at, hoping someone would hear. The day he returned on his 20th birthday, Gabriel appeared. He comforted Aiden, allowed him to properly grieve, and they just gradually hit it off from there.
OTHER : Due to the accident that occurred with Levi and Terra, Aiden has a deathly fear of trains. If there is one in his path, he will wait for it to pass or avoid it completely. You will never find him traveling by train, nor even being within close proximity of one. However, on the flipside, he loves being by the train tracks themselves, and often goes there when he needs to calm down.

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