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👑 N I K O L A I 👑

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Master Bellatrant clapped his hands and the musicians stopped playing, confused on why they didn't get past the first three lines on their music sheet for the sixth time in a row now. Nikolai and Aneela let go off each other and turned to the music teacher with anticipation what they did wrong this time.

"Miss Ceron, that was ... well, really bad. As the prince's future wife, you have to be light as a feather; dancing has to look elegant and effortless on you. So, focus on your posture, otherwise you look like a dead chicken. Your Highness, a little bit faster in the turns."

Another clap and he gestured towards the musicians. "Alright, from the top!"

Nikolai took Aneela's hand and they got into position again. His fiancé took a deep breath, trying to shake Master Bellatrant's words off before they would restart their waltz. Together, they made their first step, he moved forward and she backwards.

"Don't let him get to you," Nikolai whispered. "You're doing a marvellous job. And if you were indeed looking like a chicken, it would certainly be a cute and not a dead one."

"Thank you," Aneela huffed, frustrated with the dance teacher's comments. "Has he always been like that?"


"He's petrifying."

"Imagine how terrifying he is for a seven year old.

"Oh no, poor little Nikolai." She gave him a compassionate smile. "But if it makes you feel better, he made you into an amazing dancer. And for the record, you're not too slow in the turns."

The prince smiled brightly at his future wife and wished he could just lean forward and give her long kiss or hug her tightly or just tell her how much he adored her, not being able to wait to finally marry her and start a life together. I will do that when we finally have a minute alone.

It had been two days since he had proposed to her and since he had put the ring on her finger, they hadn't had any second to themselves. Aneela's smile had been astonishing when she had looked up from the Lantsov emerald on her ring finger to him who had just gotten back up to his feet. She had cupped his face and his heart had started to beat even faster, he had been sure it was going to jump out of his chest into hers, to be reunited with its other half. He had carefully put his arms around her, pulling her closer while leaning down to her – And then Genya had barged into the room.

Awkwardly, they had stepped apart, letting go off each other, eyes drawn to the door and walls around them, but the tailor didn't seem to read the room, she had seen the ring on Aneela's finger the second after she had entered. To say she was excited was an understatement. She congratulated them both enthusiastically with hugs and then called out of the corridor for Zoya who had just been on the lookout for the prince.

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