Chapter 36

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~The Last Goodbye~

"Edmund! Caspian! Astrea! Look" Lucy yells.

I looked over at the water the lost boats from The Lone Islands appeared.

"Narnians! Narnians!" Caspian cheered.

"We did it!" I squeal and engulf Caspian in a hug.

"Mummy!" I hear Gael yell

"Helaine!" I hear Rhince yell right after.

They both proceeded to jump into the water and swim towards their family.

Edmund climbed down from the mast and came up to me, Lucy, and Caspian.

Edmund pulled me and Lucy close while watching the family in front of us reunite

"Let's have them on board! Clear the decks." Caspian commands

"We did it. I knew we would." Lucy giggles

"It wasn't just us, though." Edmund says

"You mean..." Caspian was cut off

"Hey! Hey, I'm down here, Lucy." I hear a familiar voice yell.

I looked over the broker edge rail and I found Eusatce swimming in the water.

"Over here! Astrea!" He yells.

"Eustace." Me and Lucy cheer.

"I'm a boy again. I'm a boy." Eustace cheers

"Eustace! I see your wings... have been clipped. Ha, ha!" Reepicheep jokes before jumping int he water with him.

"Where sky and water meet Where the waves grow ever sweet It is sweet." Reep starts singing

"It's sweet! It's sweet!" Reep stops singing and gasps.

"Look! Look!" Reep points in the distance.

"Is that-"

"Aslan country." Caspian cuts me off. "We must be close."

"Well, we've come this far." Edmund shrugs.


Me, Edmund, Caspian, Lucy, Eustace, and Reep took one of the still intact long boats and started to row in the direction of Aslan's country.

The closer we got the more white flowers floated on the water.

"So, what was it like when Aslan changed you back?" Edmund asks Eustace.

"Did it hurt?" I ask.

"No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't do it myself. Then he came towards me. It sort of hurt, but it was a good pain. You know, like when you pull a thorn from your foot." Eustace explains.

"Being a dragon wasn't all bad. I mean, I think I was a better dragon than I was a boy, really. I'm so sorry for being such a sop." he apologizes.

"It's okay, Eustace," Edmund says. "You were a pretty good dragon."


"The best one I've ever met," I saw and I patted his shoulder.

"My friends, we have arrived." Reepicheep points.

Caspian and Edmund stop rowing and turn around to look at what me, Lucy, and Eustace were seeing.

There were big waves that curled upwards, which were defying all of gravity's laws. There was no cloud in sight, the sun shined bright above us.

Once we docked the boat we all climbed out to get a better look.

"This is beautiful," I say looking at the art in front of me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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