Chapter 6

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The petrified screams of Carl and Sophia caught everyone's attention and for them to run towards their direction with Lori screaming for Carl.

Sawyer followed Rick and the other men as he picked up his hammer and followed the rest of the men of the group.

A geek was gnawing on a deer with a few arrows sticking in it. Sawyer recognized the arrows belonging to his brother's Daryl. Though he was too busy whacking away at the geek until Dale cut its head off from the neck.

Everyone's attention soon turned to rustling in the trees, Shane lifted up his rifle as he and Rick scanned the bushes for another possible geek.

Though everyone was relieved when Daryl came out of the bushes. A swarm of relief filled Sawyer's chest.

"Son of a bitch! That's my deer. " claimed Daryl as he began to kick the headless geek.

"Calm down son, that's not helping. " said Dale only angering Daryl.

"What do you know about it old man? Why don't you take that hat and go back to the golden pond. " Daryl said as he glared at the old man.

Sometimes Sawyer wondered if they were even related at all.

"Been tracking this deer for miles. Gonna drag it back to camp. Thought Sawy could cook us up some vision. " Daryl claimed.

Sawyer knew he could cook up anything. Despite not having a mother figure around or  any type of parental figure, Sawyer had taught himself how to cook and had often had to use that skill for him and Daryl to survive off of.

"What do you think? We could cut around this chew up part around here? " Daryl asked.

" You know we can't risk it. replied Shane in which Sawyer nodded in agreement.

"That's a damn shame. I got us some squirrels though. A dozen or so. " replied Daryl.

"Ready to learn to make squirrel jerky lil' bro? " Daryl's thick accent traveled. Sawyer nodded at his brother as they followed each other back to camp.

"Merle! " Daryl continued to call out. "Merle, get your ugly ass out here." Once more.

"Got us some squirrels! Time to teach Sawy how to make squirrel jerky! "called out Daryl.

Sawyer looked over at Shane, debating whether or not it was him to be the one to tell Daryl about Merle. But something in Shane's looks told him he didn't have to.

" Daryl, can you slow up a bit. I need to talk to you about something. "called out Shane.

" About what? " Daryl turned around and asked.

"About Merle. There was- a problem in Atlanta. " started Shane.

"He dead? " asked Daryl.

"We're not sure. " answered Shane.

"Either he is or he isn't. " said Daryl.

"There's no easy way to say this so I'll just come out and say it. " Rick called out as he walked towards him.

"Who are you? "

" Rick Grimes. "

" Rick Grimes. You got something you wanna say? "

"Your brother was a danger to us all. So I handcuffed him on a roof. Hooked him to a piece of metal. " explained Rick. "He's still there. "

"Let me process this; you handcuffed my brother to a roof and left him there! " yelled Daryl. Sawyer didn't like it when Daryl yelled.

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