Chapter 32

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Flashback: a week before the initial outbreak.

When the week was over, Sawyer had managed to get his final’s grade in each of his classes. It didn't surprise Sawyer that he had gotten one of the best grades in their classes. He had worked very hard to get good grades. After all, he was paying for this college out of his own pocket.

They were nearly two weeks away from taking summer break, Sawyer and Miles had already planned on taking their summer to go visit Daryl. Even though Daryl claimed he didn't want any visitors.

“Man, I still can't believe I was nearly just a few points away from Emmett Carter.” groaned Mike as he looked at his grades.

Sawyer was surprised that Mike was even able to get a high score on his finale, considering all he did was just party all the time. But it didn't take long until Sawyer came to the conclusion that school came easy to his friend and he hardly had to study, something that used to make Sawyer a bit jealous.

“A B+ is still a good grade.”  reassured Sawyer as he went through his own grades.

“Yeah but not as good as yours. How are you so smart?” Mike questions only for Sawyer to shrug.

“I spent a lot of my time studying and reading books.” claimed Sawyer, which was true since Sawyer was pretty serious about his education. He had to be, at least with his plans for the future.

Out of the blue, Mike had a phone call to answer. “Dude, turn on channel seven,” said Mike. 

Sawyer did as his friend had asked and turned on the news, plopping right next to him as they watched as a newsman reported live about a new virus spreading around. Apparently, it was making people eat each other alive.

“WOAH!!!”exclaimed the two boys as they jumped out of the bed as if they just saw a horror movie, staring in horror as they just witnessed the news reporter being eaten alive before he became one of them and attacking his own cameraman.

“Did you see that!?” Mike exclaimed, fear in his voice.

“Yeah man! But that can't be anywhere near here, right? Like it won't happen? The military man, we have one of the best in the world. They'll stop it.” Questioned Sawyer. Only for his mind to worry for Merle.

Merle had left for the military when Sawyer was just in his teens. But he would always pop in one in a while. Although Merle was dishonorably charged and sent to prison he hadn't been around much ever since Sawyer  declared he didn't want to live the drifter life with him and Daryl and  instead wanted to go to college to get a proper education. Although Merle did seem to always answer whenever his friends wanted to smoke some weed. However, the weed would be supplied from Daryl.

A knock on their door had caught Sawyer off guard as he went to open it. It was their buddy Rocky. He must have seen the news as well.

“Did you guys see the news?” Rocky questioned.

“Yeah man, the reporter literally just ate a dude's face off.” replied Sawyer.

“Yeah, I heard from my brother that they’re gonna get the military here as fast as they can. Set up perimeters and stuff.” Claimed Rocky. Much like Merle, Rocky's older brother Devon had also joined the military, and the two men were in basic training together. Which was how Sawyer had met Rocky. But unlike Merle, Devon never got dishonorably charged.

“You guys think we should prepare for it?” Sawyer questioned. He was honestly worried for one, and nothing hardly ever scared him.

“What are you some doomsday prepper?”

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